How do I install a theme?


Hey, I'm new at this whole window mobile thing. I've never had a pocket PC phone before some I'm kind of learning as I go along. What I'm trying to do is install a them to my Touch. I downloaded the theme and transfered it and opened it with my phone. When I do this a window comes up asking me to choose my theme to use, so I select the one I want and hit OK but it doesn't change anything. Please help
u must drag the theme file into your templates folder located in you docunents then on the phone go to the start menu then settings then personel the today tehn selct the theme then click ok and your good

hit that rep hit that rep
all themes are .tsk files.... alright i see you got the touch... what you do is go start/file explorer/my documents/templates and drag the tsk file into that folder...... and than go to start/settings/ personal/today..... and you will see the themes that you can pick
all themes are .tsk files.... alright i see you got the touch... what you do is go start/file explorer/my documents/templates and drag the tsk file into that folder...... and than go to start/settings/ personal/today..... and you will see the themes that you can pick

Yeah thats what I did, The them I want is in that list that comes up so I select it and hit ok, But it doesn't do anything. It just stays as it was.
OK, I got an assassins creed one to work just fine. I don't know why the audi one aint workin. Thanx for the help.

EDIT: I got the audi one workin now also. After the assassins creed one went on then the audi one went on just fine also. Thanx again for all the help.
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umm do a soft reset after selecting the theme u want bro

tell us how its goes and hit dat rep plz (on the bottom of every posst theres a thanks button with a thumbs up plz hit it on my posts thx)
hmm got the assasins workin huh well dont have that check box saying use as bacround checked try that and try doing soft resets