[INFO] How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM!!


Old Timer/Snr Member
Alright time to consolidate....

In order to get Internet Sharing working properly on the Sprint Touch after running the Official WM6.1 update you will need to do a bit of "tweaking".

You will need a registry editor in order to perform this tweak. I recommend PHM Registry Editor v0.70. It is freeware so you don't have to pay for it but you may use any registry editor of your choice. I personally use Resco Registry.

Open PIE(Pocket Internet Explorer for those who don't know) and navigate to any page you like. This will connect your phone to the internet using the "Sprint PCS" connection. Once it is connected, close PIE and disconnect.

Using a registry editor, make the following changes:

Delete this string: Extension - isext.dll

Change from "Phone As Modem" to "Sprint PCS" <<NO QUOTES

If it displays "Phone as Modem" change it to "Sprint PCS" <<NO QUOTES if it does not already say "Sprint PCS"

Then, using Schaps Advanced Configuration tool V2.1, disable the Phone as modem connection completely. Your phone will now connect to "Sprint PCS" for internet sharing and you will be good to go. Sprint will be none the wiser.

After you have made the above changes, wait THREE minutes(not really necessary to wait this long but just to be safe...) and then soft reset your phone.

After you have finished everything above, proceed to connect using Internet Sharing and enjoy!!

(hopefully all that "enjoying" doesn't reflect on our bills )


Added a simple cab install for those who dont like to mess with the registry...just install to device and soft reset.

Re: TUTORIAL - How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

can somebody explain to me whut this is for phone as modem as opposed to the latter in upgrading to 6.1
Re: TUTORIAL - How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

Sorry to be a bother, but another noob here. I have D/L and installed D/\SHes Internet sharing hack. What I need to know, is this cab required in addition to that one? Do you need to have the activesync program installed on the PC you are trying to use? Do you have to soft reset after installing these cabs? I have the stock WM 6.1 rom on my Mogul. This is my first real venture into "changing" my phone. Thanks for the assistance. I love the board. You guys are most helpful.

Re: TUTORIAL - How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

Sorry to be a bother, but another noob here. I have D/L and installed D/\SHes Internet sharing hack. What I need to know, is this cab required in addition to that one? Do you need to have the activesync program installed on the PC you are trying to use? Do you have to soft reset after installing these cabs? I have the stock WM 6.1 rom on my Mogul. This is my first real venture into "changing" my phone. Thanks for the assistance. I love the board. You guys are most helpful.


I saw your post in the other thread make sure you have advanced network disabled in you settings (Start/Settings/connections/USB to PC)
Re: How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

so this reg edit makes you browse and use pcs without having a data plan free off charge?
Re: How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

so this reg edit makes you browse and use pcs without having a data plan free off charge?

no you still need a data plan it allows you to hook up your phone to your computer or lappy and use the internet from your phone to power your pc.....
Re: How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

no you still need a data plan it allows you to hook up your phone to your computer or lappy and use the internet from your phone to power your pc.....

oh i c.....good deal
Re: How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

So you don't need to use a program like wifirouter anymore?
Re: How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

Thanks, worked on my Mogul. Does anyone know if this will show up on a bill, if you already have a data plan?
Re: How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

So, at this point, has any Sprint user seen a surge in their bill from doing this?
Re: How to tether using Internet Sharing with new Official ROM

So this here, will this work on the TP? Or is there something diff. that I should be doing with that?
Thanks man!

Hey bro looks like u might have to resize ur sig way to big thanks