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HTC HOME Windows Mobile 7 Custom Pack [DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE]

Im having problem myself how do i instal

It worked for me. First, make sure you don't have HTC Home running on your today screen. If you do, when you try to overwrite files, it won't let you. Then, go to device/HTCHome/ and what I did was copy and paste the content of folder "Photon Home" and "Photon Home 3tabs" into my HTC Home folder. Copied smoothly. Then for the WMP skin, I went here Device/Application Data/Microsoft/Media Player and do the same- copy and paste the content of "Photon WMP" inside.

I have both themes working.

I know there is a registry hack to make "animated" gif my boot up screen. I saw it somewhere. Will have to find it.
I have posted the folders, but i cant seem to find my htc home folder? im losing my mind right about NOW!!! HELP!!

well you have the touch pro and that doesnt come with htc home on it.... and these are skinned for qcga screen resolutions and you have a vga screen resolution on your device.
I have never download a zip file I need a lilttle help installing this file...thanks in advance

please take a moment to look below at the noob guide in my signature.... it will tell you what you need and how to do it as far as zip and rar files.... it will also give you some very useful hints for navigating the site as well..... all the links down there are the main things that are referred to a lot at AMJ so i would try to become familiar with them so you can get right into things :>
how do you set it up once downloaded to your pc:connie_mykilroy:

read through the thread it has already beren told... you need to have the apps mentioned in the first post since all that your downloaded from this one is the skins for those apps...... you can find the apps by doing a search and in the future please read through the threads before posting since many of times the info is already there and its there for a reason...... if you fail todo so i will be forced to start issuing infractions which can lead to ban if too many are accumulated. no worries just please try to follow the rules in the future and it will be easier to do that once you get familiar with the links in my signature.