HTC touch pro released I got mine


Everyone get out and get them at bestbuy! Got mine a couple hours ago!

Heres a few pics.


yep......the sales guy told me that they were only suppose to get the display stuff on the truck but lo and behold there were 4 of them there. I have no idea why its not on the sprint site yet? My wife is due for a 2 year upgrade too so maybe ill sell this one because she just wants a ill make a little money off of doubt it........this phone is awesome...smaller than i though it would be.
dam, i want it so bad. Sprint doesnt keep track of my contract i havent been wiht them for 2 years and i am due and have been due for an upgrade. sorta ****ed up if ya ask me :) i do love my sprint employee referal plan though $30 bucks for like everything i could possible need :p
wow...........i wish I paid 30 a least i get the 23% off the monthly bill through FEDEX. Its funny how this worked out. I use to be with tmobile. I dropped them a few months and went with sprint. I got the instict but it sucked big time. I sold it and got a mogul. After i changed the number over I suddenly had a 2 yr up grade on my profile online. Same with my wife. I set up her account last her a bb curve, she didnt like it so i got her a mogul and the same thing happened..........once i switched the number over she was suddenly eligible for a 2 year up grade. So i usedmy upgrade for the touch pro.....not sure what she wants to do.