HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE


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The missing peice of Touchflo2D and finally HTC's own youtube app found in Diamond is finally ported to QVGA devices

Works fine for me and the videos play nicely, but seems like i cant touch scroll. Im using the dpad to scroll through the videos (just a heads up)



Download Here!!!


If youtube is not working on your device, try this fix also

this app may/ may not work on your device

known issues
-error when trying to play videos (some cases)


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Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

i got this installed but when i try and watch a video it says error cannot play this video! damit if i can get this to work i will set till the touch hd comes out!
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

i got this installed but when i try and watch a video it says error cannot play this video! damit if i can get this to work i will set till the touch hd comes out!

damn, i dont get it... ive seen this problem before but nothing like this happened to me.

works fine
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

i know i just read your other posts so i just soft reseted and.........still get the same message. im going to try to dl the qvga cab that he had posted and see if that works? are you running skyfire? because maybe it has something to do with tcpmp? maybe opera doesnt run that? and that could be the source!
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

seens like the link is dead?? or is it a problem with RS??
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

Works perfect on my Touch...Im running Kaos' lastest ROM. Now how do i connect it with the 2D Manilla theme internet page? It has been disabled in the latest cab.
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

Works perfect on my Touch...Im running Kaos' lastest ROM. Now how do i connect it with the 2D Manilla theme internet page? It has been disabled in the latest cab.

go to registry ( hkey_local_machine/software/htc/manila2d/internetwidget/customized/0/ )

and in the options ( CustomizedIcon ) and ( CustomizedURL ) the value starts with ( \\ ) it must have only one slash ( \ )

soft reset and it should work
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

go to registry ( hkey_local_machine/software/htc/manila2d/internetwidget/customized/0/ )

and in the options ( CustomizedIcon ) and ( CustomizedURL ) the value starts with ( \\ ) it must have only one slash ( \ )

soft reset and it should work

Thanks perfect. Im feelin kinda good that I didnt drop 6 bills on a new touch diamond right now! LOL
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

Thanks perfect. Im feelin kinda good that I didnt drop 6 bills on a new touch diamond right now! LOL

haha word, never was truly attracted to the diamond though...

its touchpro or touch hd hopefully my next step

but im thinking of holding out for wm7 which should released soon as well
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

Yeah that HD is hot. Im lookin at that myself. I got it all working except the search page now. I know this aint the right thread but can you help me get it going or point me to the right info. Do I need googlemaps for that to work? Thanks.
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

Yeah that HD is hot. Im lookin at that myself. I got it all working except the search page now. I know this aint the right thread but can you help me get it going or point me to the right info. Do I need googlemaps for that to work? Thanks.

yup, install the latest googlemaps and you are solid (AWESOME FEATURE BY THE WAY)
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

what are you using for your registry editor and did what version of opera because i think that is my issue with that
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

mike i got it!! Link does work fine... I guess it was my end.
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

what are you using for your registry editor and did what version of opera because i think that is my issue with that

i use sktools registry and opera mobile build 405 cuz that version doesnt have the screen keyboard bug in flash sites
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

looks hot, how does this compare to "youtubeplay" which play better and faster videos?
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

oh ok koo, so all in all , do you suggest i change? or leave the original youtubeplay?
Re: HTC YouTube Available For QVGA CAB HERE!

oh ok koo, so all in all , do you suggest i change? or leave the original youtubeplay?

i never liked youtubeplay, the skin is so outdated and i could barely get the video to play without skipping

i like this better cuz you have top rated, most viewed, featured, bookmarks, history

and a program guide that lets you browse by category ( autos, comedy, education, entertainment, film, gaming, music, news) and much more, youtubeplay doesnt compare