[INFO] I got the "Roaming Only" thing working


Owner - Staff
I tested it, and works great. Use a registry editor, and got to:


Change the ItemCount to 3

Add a String Value called "ItemName3" with the string being "Roaming Only"

Add a DWORD called "ItemValue3" with the DWORD Data being "5" (in Decimal)

Do not enter the quotation marks in the directions above. After exiting the program, wait a minute or 2 and then shut the phone off, wait a few seconds for good measure, and turn it on again. Or soft-reset by taking the back cover off (big hassle), or use the soft-reset program floating around.

You can get a free registry editor here:

original find can be found here:
Re: I got the Roaming Only thing working

what up D i'm lost just wondering what does thisa do and what for (does it keep your phone in roam) and why would one want to do this (is it to get out of there contract early?) thanks
Re: I got the Roaming Only thing working

what up D i'm lost just wondering what does thisa do and what for (does it keep your phone in roam) and why would one want to do this (is it to get out of there contract early?) thanks

if you roam too much you will, but this is for those spots where you get no signal unless you roam, will make it so you dont miss the calls...