I'ma 90's kid.


RE: The Challenger explosion.....!

I remember a bad joke about that...

How did they know what kind of shampoo they used on the shuttle......

They found their head and shoulders on the beach....

OOooooo yea its still pretty tasteless...lol
I remember a bad joke about that...

How did they know what kind of shampoo they used on the shuttle......

They found their head and shoulders on the beach....

OOooooo yea its still pretty tasteless...lol

What about.....what color were the astronauts eyes?
Blue.....some blew this way, some blew that way....

soooooooooooooo bad.
thanks D/\SH, that helped me realize that i have not smoked all my childhood memories away :40:lmfao, really i can relate to most of what you listed having grown up in the 80s/90s. somewhere i got a little sidetracked and "misrememberd" but thanks for the flash back bro, well done. now if i can only remember what happened to "My Buddy"..... lmao
Who Loves Orange Soda Kel Loves Orange Soda Is it true I doo I doo I doooo 00000000000
i loved that show lol
sigh the good old days tear what have we come to Smartphones and touch screen cellphones what happen to the 5 pound cell phones you people are crazy insane voice thats slightly sad
Re: Ima 90s kid

Re: Ima 90s kid

you just told my life story............................. creepy :fie: what has become of those days????

i remember my hero SUPERDUDE!!!!!!!! and his lactose intolerance lol :grin:
Re: Ima 90s kid

OK......i now feel very old and need to take my Geritol and head to bed after my warm milk and laxitives.......I am right now thinking that I am old enough to have fathered many of you!
Re: Ima 90s kid

Yeah definatly... how can yah forget... cross colors

kriss cross (its the miggedy miggedy miggedy miggedy Mac daddy and the diggety diggety diggety daddy mack)...also reminds me of Heavy D

the backwards clothes faze

who remembers Jonny deep on 21 jumpstreet...

but still i think im a lil older than most... I still remember when lawrence fishbourne was on pee wees playhouse...lol (morpheus? really?)

oh and the pinbal counting song on sesame st.... "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12... do dodo dodo dodo DOO DOOO da da doo doo..12!"
Re: Ima 90s kid

thanks i just remembered how old i am...

You always wanted to send in a tape to America's Funniest Home Videos... but never taped anything funny.

o we did funny stuff but i didn't want to pay 40 buck in shipping and handeling to ship a 10lb vhs tape. on top of that bob saget said if you mail your funny tapes in you won't get them back pffff
Re: Ima 90s kid

HAHA I know the 90s were great .... for me it was Voltron, Thundercats, and Jhonny Bravo .....

Somehow by brother is laughing at me right now ... because he says that I loved Vanilla Ice then
Re: Ima 90s kid

OMG - I feel so OLD now.

I have come to the realization that the only contact that I have with my oldest daughter is to watch her on Twitter. My youngest daughter knows more about myspace and how to build a webpage than I do. My son knows how to hook a PS3 up to my PC and download programs onto it.

They look at me funny when I talk about records and have only seen turntables and know what they are because of the rap stars.

This is so depressing. I'm probably old enough to have given birth to at least half of the people on this forum. Geez.

OMG - I know what OMG means. LOL.