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Inesoft Phone v5.0 beta 6
Address Book is the best contact manager with Additional Phones and
Fields, Instant Search, Ring Tones, Photo Caller ID and Phone Profiles.
Inesoft Address Book - the most convenient way to manage contacts on
Windows Mobile device.
* Dialer
Using large size buttons you can easily dial a phone number or tap a new SMS, add a contact or edit a number to your address book. iQwwI
Now you are also able to find the contact when you remember the information partly
* Caller ID
All necessary information about the contact will be displayed at your screen during the income call: the name and the phone number, contacts photo and even the company.
Caller ID allows to turn on the loud speaker, to make a callback, to turn off the sound (ring off) or to send an SMS in one ouch
* History
Includes the history of the phone calls and the history of the incoming SMS as well. It is also possible to group calls from one person
to view the phone calls duration and to get the calls statistics on a certain contact
* Favorites
You can add as much contacts to Favorite list as you wish. Set up the appropriate size and the number of Favorite contacts that will be displayed t the phone screen
* Profiler
Using Inesoft Profiler you are able to set up: the tone volume and the vibration level for the each profile, profiles auto switching, automatic SMS replies,
block phone calls from the certain group of contacts and much more
* Contacts B
Now you can manage your contacts and improve your address book: upload a photo, add any information about the contact to the info fields,
create additional info fields and set up the type for them. Use T9 Search to find he necessary person.
* Additional Options
Inesoft Phone supports such unique features as: vibration when you press the buttons to feel the touching; vibration after successful connection; create block and allowed groups of contacts; get notification about unread SMS and missed calls; set up the signal type for the group of contacts and much more WFq 0)2@x"
‚ Fix: BX. call: When you answer a call melody played for some time .
‚ Fix: Profiles: if the profile specified external program to start, then when
you switch the profile to force the backlight turned kpc.
‚ Fix: Preferences: scroll hard. buttons allow scrolled off-screen
‚ Fix: Contacts: in the choice of the phone not draw the background of the buttons
‚ Fix: Contacts: no icon is displayed in the view of the contact
Phone Edition(Smartphone Edition is not supported)
VGA and QVGA in portrait and landscape mode
Register with any µrial number
Inesoft Phone v5.0 beta
‚ Fix: Lights on the Asus P526, Gigabyte, Orsio, S200 (to test)
‚ Fix: Profiles: The problem of the inclusion of a profile with a long name of Today
‚ Fix: dialer: at the beginning of the set of Today with the hard. keypad dialer to reach only the second digit
‚ Fix: dialer \ History \ Favorites: fixed windows in the "Quick Launch"
‚ Fix: Handsfree for ppc from Gigabyte
Register with any µrial number
ADMINISTRATOR@AMJ hit thanks on the way out

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