I've read through this forum, and maybe I've missed it, but nowhere does it mention who the creator of this iCube Skin is or where it was originally posted. I truly hope that the owner of this forum is not trying to pass off my work as his, hoping to recieve donations.
i have no idea what you are implying here. This is a modification site and we do not take credit of any programs what we do in a modification forum is share to our members what we have done to beatify our phones and what extra we can do or how far it can go.
And technology we can do what we want, this is a private forum and you chose to register you should have read the disclaimer upon registering.But since you have agreed. You have understood it.
Any donation that we get here has nothing to do with programs from any Authors. As i stated this is a modification forum, Donation that we do get it goes towards the server, license and other...And its none of your business where the donation is going to or from.
Since you took the time to read this thread you should have read that if you see any infractions or disagree with anything in this PRIVATE forum, you can send a email to our lawyer @ legal@androidmobilejunkie.net.
Otherwise either learn form what we can do to our mobile phones or you can leave and don't come back....READ THE DISCLAMIER....