Iphone Cube

I've read through this forum, and maybe I've missed it, but nowhere does it mention who the creator of this iCube Skin is or where it was originally posted. I truly hope that the owner of this forum is not trying to pass off my work as his, hoping to recieve donations.

i have no idea what you are implying here. This is a modification site and we do not take credit of any programs what we do in a modification forum is share to our members what we have done to beatify our phones and what extra we can do or how far it can go.

And technology we can do what we want, this is a private forum and you chose to register you should have read the disclaimer upon registering.But since you have agreed. You have understood it.

Any donation that we get here has nothing to do with programs from any Authors. As i stated this is a modification forum, Donation that we do get it goes towards the server, license and other...And its none of your business where the donation is going to or from.

Since you took the time to read this thread you should have read that if you see any infractions or disagree with anything in this PRIVATE forum, you can send a email to our lawyer @ legal@androidmobilejunkie.net.

Otherwise either learn form what we can do to our mobile phones or you can leave and don't come back....READ THE DISCLAMIER....
Let's try this again.
i have no idea what you are implying here. This is a modification site and we do not take credit of any programs what we do in a modification forum is share to our members what we have done to beatify our phones and what extra we can do or how far it can go.

And technology we can do what we want, this is a private forum and you chose to register you should have read the disclaimer upon registering.But since you have agreed. You have understood it.

Any donation that we get here has nothing to do with programs from any Authors. As i stated this is a modification forum, Donation that we do get it goes towards the server, license and other...And its none of your business where the donation is going to or from.

Since you took the time to read this thread you should have read that if you see any infractions or disagree with anything in this PRIVATE forum, you can send a email to our lawyer....

Otherwise either learn form what we can do to our mobile phones or you can leave and don't come back....READ THE DISCLAMIER....

I don't believe I was implying anything. Simply stating a hope. I did not break any of your posting rules.

I did read the Disclaimer, hoping to find something to the effect of "We'd like to thank the developers and creators of these modifications and apps. Without you we wouldn't be here. Instead I found the words "All the objects on this site are PRIVATE property" which I suppose is true, but exactly whose private property should be called into question. I also saw the words "If you like my work then donate!" in huge letters in D/\ASH's signature. What work exactly? Downloading other people's work and then creating a thread here about it?

I also read through the Forum Rules and found this little gem:
Smartphonejunkie (Copyright Notice) Please Read

to all members and staff and visitors, AMJ does not and will not host any files to the server without the written consent from the owner or owners if any files hosted by our members and staff with out the written approval the members and or staff will be banned from the site and file will be deleted.If you have any questions or not sure what to upload feel free and send me a pm or email at elboriyorker_at_androidmobilejunkie.net thank you, site admin

So you are in direct violation of your own rules since I have not been asked for nor given permission for the iCube to be posted here.

I don't mind that it's here, in fact I'm glad that so many people are enjoying it! But I would like to be recognized for all of the hard work that I put into it. Please think of the developers and creators when posting their work. A simple thank you at the end of the first post would suffice for most of us. Something like:

iCube created by Musicman247 and Zyphlin


Cube Config 4 created by thisguyinoc

Posting someone elses work without giving them credit, and then asking for donations for your "work" is not cool.

no one is taking credit for your work bro....donation are to keep the server alive..So calm down.....No where in that post does it imply that the poster is taking credit for your work....we just provide a link to it....so take a breather....You want your little plug its not a issue....ok....geesh....I don't know why people get so over worked over stuff....I understand you said you developed it...So contact elboriyorker via pm provide him proof your the developer...and poof you get your plug.....The privacy statement is issued not to take credit for others work but to protect the rights of the site....Follow?The fact is links spread fast...maybe where he got it like xda or ppc have not given credit to developer as well..so maybe this is why its not in the post...do you flame their boards as well?Secondly you publish you work do you not? so how is it private?Dont get me wrong i see you want credit...but dont pin point us.when its all over the net...making it public domain....And thirdly dash work is him busting his a$$ to keep the site up.As well as he does develop stuff mainly like for htc customizer and so on.....look at his post count...running a help site isn't exactly cake.....dash takes credit for busting his butt thats it and helping others install and diagnose issues.....What we offer is a service.Like a link referral site....As elboriyorker said you read the disclaimers...You agreed to the terms...you don't like it contact the legal or leave its that simple...other wise be civil provide him proof and its done and over...
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Let's try this again.

I don't believe I was implying anything. Simply stating a hope. I did not break any of your posting rules.

I did read the Disclaimer, hoping to find something to the effect of "We'd like to thank the developers and creators of these modifications and apps. Without you we wouldn't be here. Instead I found the words "All the objects on this site are PRIVATE property" which I suppose is true, but exactly whose private property should be called into question. I also saw the words "If you like my work then donate!" in huge letters in D/\ASH's signature. What work exactly? Downloading other people's work and then creating a hypthread here about it?

I also read through the Forum Rules and found this little gem:

So you are in direct violation of your own rules since I have not been asked for nor given permission for the iCube to be posted here.

I don't mind that it's here, in fact I'm glad that so many people are enjoying it! But I would like to be recognized for all of the hard work that I put into it. Please think of the developers and creators when posting their work. A simple thank you at the end of the first post would suffice for most of us. Something like:

iCube created by Musicman247 and Zyphlin


Cube Config 4 created by thisguyinoc

Posting someone elses work without giving them credit, and then asking for donations for your "work" is not cool.


Now as far as the authors permission. You are correct and we do practice it sometime we forget or probably to lazy....I did notice that since you are crapping the other post adding you credit which i don't care...2 out of 3 your name was added on the post by tigerz as the person responsible and you're from ppcgeeks..so i don't see the problem as i stated no one is taking credit here....

Also i will say it again donation we get it has nothing to do with developers programs...regardless what you think or how the staff advertise on there sigs We do have bills here...

I can ask for donation here for michael jackson who might be getting a nose implant..but we can use it for a poster child for we are the world campaign ...are we in violation!!!!.

I don't want to go any further with this...this is mod forum and want it that way....i will be force to suspend your account or take it through pm..
You provide a link without any explanation except "Hope you like it" and directly below it is "If Ya Like My Work And Contributions Please Donate So I Can continue to help you all enjoy your Device's just a little more." What else would people think but 'this guy must have made this'.

No, I don't flame the PPCGeeks and XDA boards, I actually post my work on their boards. And it's strange that their Admins do not ask for donations in their signatures, yet their servers stay up.

The Copyright notice in the forum rules says that it applies to staff as well.

I'm sorry if I sound riled up. It's because I am. In the past week we have discovered people on Ebay selling other people's apps and skins. It was very aggravating to see something that someone had worked so hard on be sold by someone else without any credit or donations going toward the creator.

It's the same thing here. People come on this board, download something, and then donate to the person who posted it, and the creator gets the shaft.

I think I have a right to be upset. Put yourself in my situation. If you spent weeks creating something and then saw me on another site posting that work without any aknowledgement to you, and then asking for donations, wouldn't you be a little po'd?
You provide a link without any explanation except "Hope you like it" and directly below it is "If Ya Like My Work And Contributions Please Donate So I Can continue to help you all enjoy your Device's just a little more." What else would people think but 'this guy must have made this'.

No, I don't flame the PPCGeeks and XDA boards, I actually post my work on their boards. And it's strange that their Admins do not ask for donations in their signatures, yet their servers stay up.

The Copyright notice in the forum rules says that it applies to staff as well.

I'm sorry if I sound riled up. It's because I am. In the past week we have discovered people on Ebay selling other people's apps and skins. It was very aggravating to see something that someone had worked so hard on be sold by someone else without any credit or donations going toward the creator.

It's the same thing here. People come on this board, download something, and then donate to the person who posted it, and the creator gets the shaft.

I think I have a right to be upset. Put yourself in my situation. If you spent weeks creating something and then saw me on another site posting that work without any aknowledgement to you, and then asking for donations, wouldn't you be a little po'd?

lol my work i post as my work bro..I clearly state if its my work....I do make themes and other things that help...I also mod members phones so if you don't like it...Tough luck.The fact myself ,dash and other spend hrs a day helping members is work....See wiki if you don't know the definition of work......I take credit for no work that isn't mine...to be honest i think the cube programs are crap anyway and slow down the phone......I try to talk member out of even using them.
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I'm done. I've spoken my peace. If you guys want to continue in this manner without crediting the authors, that's up to you. I can't stop you. I just had hoped that common courtesy would prevail.
I'm done. I've spoken my peace. If you guys want to continue in this manner without crediting the authors, that's up to you. I can't stop you. I just had hoped that common courtesy would prevail.

wow musicman chill out please seriously im sorry i forgot to add your nameto the post no biggie couldt you just ask if i could add the developers name to the post? would have been that easy and i have always done it in the past. and as kaos has said abive i am too a developer and knows how it feels and all, but i dont go to other boards and start fluipping out you know. i send a pm to the person and ask them to add my name to the application or mod so i will get credit and if they dont i will ask an admin through pm to edit the pot and send them proof that it is my work.... dont start flaming through a thread becaause when you do that you make yourself look childish and immature. but anyways i am sorry for that and will add it to this post for you but in the future you might not want to do this because all you are doing is embarassing yourself and not even proving your point since people skip over your posts. but also thats called a signature and is at the end of every post so no im not asking for donations on your skin you know. its on all posts and am asking for donations on the stuff that i do make and the phones that i do mod out also. so in the future please ask and stay calm before going off on a nut. Thanks D/\SH
I've got a version of the icube, but not exactly what I want. I woul really like to get the same set up that Big Jew is running.
Where can I get this one at?
I've got a version of the icube, but not exactly what I want. I woul really like to get the same set up that Big Jew is running.
Where can I get this one at?

thats not a cube and doesnt pertain with the icube so why post here and not in the video thread where it was answered. you want to have throttle launcher .93 or if for cube only you will want musicflo
Ok D/\SH being that I am a noob here and to the phone just got it a couple of weeks ago I will try to search this out but being you are the Grand Wizard from what I am seeing perhaps you can point me in a proper direction? PLZ
Ok D/\SH being that I am a noob here and to the phone just got it a couple of weeks ago I will try to search this out but being you are the Grand Wizard from what I am seeing perhaps you can point me in a proper direction? PLZ

ummm bro look at the side menu, the help desk and post in the correct areas..... your already breaking the rules since this has nothing to do with the icube!!!!!

i want the iphone theme on htc touch

did you do a search? this is the icube not the iphone theme... do a search for ifonz and you will find what you are looking for.
I clicked on the link mentioned in your first post, but i'm getting this error:
you do not have permission to access this page.