iphone like keyboard


Download here... http://rapidshare.com/files/80752174/Keyboard.zip.html

Installation steps:

1. Install HappyTappingKeyboard.arm.CAB (to device, not to Storage)

2. Install Default_IM_WM5.CAB (to device, not to Storage; for WM5 only; if u already have other program which can set the default Input Method, skip this step & use that program instead)

3. Extract the files in ip_AC_Skin.zip to your PDA's "\My Documents"

4. Goto the "Option" of HappyTappingKeyboard (Start -> Setting -> Input)

- select "\My Documents\ip_AC_QVGA_P.bmp" for the ";Portrait Bitmap"

- select "\My Documents\ip_AC_QVGA_L.bmp" for the "Landscape Bitmap"
(if your PDA is VGA capable, select the ip_AC_VGA_?.bmp instead, and select the VGA option)

- press "OK" to quit

5. Start -> Program -> IMSelector

- select "Happy Tapping Keyboard" as the default Input Method

6. Soft reset your PDA

7. Enjoy!

Specail Thanks:

- Happy Tapping Keyboard http://d.hatena.ne.jp/KOTETU/00000103

- original skins from http://desftr.blog54.fc2.com/blog-entry-193.html (it's corrected & modified for non-Jp OS)

- Default_IM_WM5 is a modified version of Default_SIP_WM5 (but can't remember where it's from)


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