Is WinMo a sinking ship


For the last couple years, we've been touting our WinMo superiority over the rest of the industry. iPhone can't do video, iPhone can't do picture mail, WinMo is more modable than Android, WinMo has all the third-party apps, WinMo has been doing all these things for years.......

Well, it seems that not only has the competition caught up with WinMO...but surpassed it. I feel like I'm clinging onto WinMo out of loyalty, but for how long? iPhone has a billion more apps released and it appears that Android is following suit.

I used to be proud of my WinMo phone and was able to give a long list of reasons it was superior than the rest, but that just isn't the case anymore.

C'mon guys......give me your input, am I right? Or help restore my faith in WinMo.....

Whatcha got?
Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

hi whel wm is no sinking ship but they can use inprovements on market and ohter stuff treu iphone has great appstore music ad games amon ohter things, android is growing daily and are put on so many brands htc samsung motorola and alot of ohter whil follow think android whil become big even go pass iphone good devs ho keep the android market expanding and the 2.0 looks so awesome, but i am a windows fan for a few reason loyalty maybey this is the reason i stay whit wm the flashing fun custom roms the whait for it evry new releas selboriyorker themes titanium TFD3 themes wisbar has so many themes and option pountui and there themes and all apps games i can try out this is what keeps me whit wm you can do so many things on wm whit different ui things ohter device cant do thats just how i see it its albout prefrence in a away few of us love iphone and android but there still many wimo lovers also like i love my tp2 thats my baby lol

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Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

I dont know if its just me, but flashing and customizing winmo devices is the best part about them. Ive never had an iphone or android device but as far as i kno u get what u buy and cant 'flash' a new rom or wutever it would be on those. Switching between winmo 6.1 and 6.5 and 6.5.1 and trying to figure out what pisses me off the most is the only thing that really gets me thru the day. Plus we have access to freeware and user developed stuff...themes galore (which im sure the others have too) ... selboriyorker mobile shell not floatin my boat today, im goin me crazy but the fact that i have that kind of customizational control beats out any fancy looking iphone and their app store...cuz anything ur phone can do....mine can do just as good just not as pretty...
For the last couple years, we've been touting our WinMo superiority over the rest of the industry. iPhone can't do video, iPhone can't do picture mail, WinMo is more modable than Android, WinMo has all the third-party apps, WinMo has been doing all these things for years.......

Well, it seems that not only has the competition caught up with WinMO...but surpassed it. I feel like I'm clinging onto WinMo out of loyalty, but for how long? iPhone has a billion more apps released and it appears that Android is following suit.

I used to be proud of my WinMo phone and was able to give a long list of reasons it was superior than the rest, but that just isn't the case anymore.

C'mon guys......give me your input, am I right? Or help restore my faith in WinMo.....

Whatcha got?

windows mobile in my opinion will keep these small changes that they have been doing forever going and going..... so basically it will never be as spectacular and will be the bottom feeder until they start to move quickly in the industry and suck up the pride of not being the best in this instance.... make yourself the best.... i know i am getting the droid on the 6th from best buy no doubt and cant wait to get it activated to mess around with it and be able to swap between that and my tp2 :) i feel android is going to be a force to be reckoned with especially since it covers multiple providers and platforms in all these different phones... great marketing and strategy by google if you ask me.
i do hear what your saying, MS needs to beef it up a little. we all know about the customization our phones are capable of. If they marketed that more people would see the light. The thing about the iphone is it is made to be a "FUN" phone as where ours are made for using them for everyday organization. Thats my 2 cents
Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

For the last couple years, we've been touting our WinMo superiority over the rest of the industry. iPhone can't do video, iPhone can't do picture mail, WinMo is more modable than Android, WinMo has all the third-party apps, WinMo has been doing all these things for years.......

Well, it seems that not only has the competition caught up with WinMO...but surpassed it. I feel like I'm clinging onto WinMo out of loyalty, but for how long? iPhone has a billion more apps released and it appears that Android is following suit.

I used to be proud of my WinMo phone and was able to give a long list of reasons it was superior than the rest, but that just isn't the case anymore.

C'mon guys......give me your input, am I right? Or help restore my faith in WinMo.....

Whatcha got?

ok number one all those first things u said about the iphone is absolutely false lol, it has all of that plus more. remember iphone is a new device and OS aswell and look how good its selling. I dont wanna here iphone isnt multitasking capable b.c it is:

And to tout your horn, iphone is the number one selling business phone on top of BB and android. The iphone is a beast at 800mhz CPU and 288 memory, and 16gb or 32gb Drive. Thing is windows mobile never really cared about how much phones they r selling but now with iphone sales at the top and droid and BB following, they are making moves, and from the looks of it following aswell. its like venum said, WM will be better once they DUMB down the OS for the regular non tech person. The reason we need custom roms is b/c the carriers beef the OS so much it makes the phone bad, therefore custom roms run nicer, for the iphone that isnt the case, the iphone comes fast, and smooth from the box, and by jailbreaking it, it makes it even more superior to the regular non jailbroken iphones. But windows mobile isnt going anywhere it will always be here and according to a quote by ceo of HTC, he says they have to take care of WM first before android:
Re Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

ok number one all those first things u said about the iphone is absolutely false lol, it has all of that plus more. remember iphone is a new device and OS aswell and look how good its selling. I dont wanna here iphone isnt multitasking capable b.c it is:

Oh, I know its false....NOW. But 2 years ago, it was absolutely true. That is exactly the point of this thread. We USED to be able to hold a lot of stuff over the iPhone, that just isn't the case anymore.
Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

Time for the original iPhone supporter on AMJ to add his 2 have to say that I love and have loved my current and old windows mobile phones....but if you placed a current windows mobile device and the best android or iphone device and told me to choose I would have to go with either the apple or android device depending on hardware....I mean Windows os was great compared to any other smartphone prior to iphone release...but now with the new android it is still further down the chain...I mean don't get me wrong I still preferit over palm os (non-web os), and blackberry os, and symbian os but it does not compare to the android or iphone....and being so intimately familiar with the iphone os and alittle with the android os I know they are capable of alot of things...but its not only the software of the device but it it is the hardware...I mean you got the tp2 which is released with windows 6.1 that has been out for ages if you count when leaked roms came out...and pretty much same camera and internal hardware of touch pro they just make it bigger and heavier and still persist on having a resistive touch screen...I gotta laugh at that one...I mean capacitive is the place to be...I mean att has been capacitive since 2007 and 2009 touch pro 2 still uses resistive...thats why it will never be as fluid touch screen movements as droid or iphone...and that new droid is gonna be hot...I only wish that the droid had come to sprint and the hero had gone to verizon....but Sprint has never really had the greatest relationship with motorola with CDMA handsets compared to verizons long time connection with motorola....but lets see if the droid will keep the momentum even a month after release unlike how the pre popped and knew I was not really gonna like that device...I love the software but I hate the current hardware of the palm pre.....we will see whats around the corner....but here is hoping that Sprint will get a droid device by motorola who is not ignorant in placing a 5 megapixel camera without a flash like some companies....cough, cough; htc hero, cough!
Re Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

Time for the original iPhone supporter on AMJ to add his 2 have to say that I love and have loved my current and old windows mobile phones....but if you placed a current windows mobile device and the best android or iphone device and told me to choose I would have to go with either the apple or android device depending on hardware....I mean Windows os was great compared to any other smartphone prior to iphone release...but now with the new android it is still further down the chain...I mean don't get me wrong I still preferit over palm os (non-web os), and blackberry os, and symbian os but it does not compare to the android or iphone....and being so intimately familiar with the iphone os and alittle with the android os I know they are capable of alot of things...but its not only the software of the device but it it is the hardware...I mean you got the tp2 which is released with windows 6.1 that has been out for ages if you count when leaked roms came out...and pretty much same camera and internal hardware of touch pro they just make it bigger and heavier and still persist on having a resistive touch screen...I gotta laugh at that one...I mean capacitive is the place to be...I mean att has been capacitive since 2007 and 2009 touch pro 2 still uses resistive...thats why it will never be as fluid touch screen movements as droid or iphone...and that new droid is gonna be hot...I only wish that the droid had come to sprint and the hero had gone to verizon....but Sprint has never really had the greatest relationship with motorola with CDMA handsets compared to verizons long time connection with motorola....but lets see if the droid will keep the momentum even a month after release unlike how the pre popped and knew I was not really gonna like that device...I love the software but I hate the current hardware of the palm pre.....we will see whats around the corner....but here is hoping that Sprint will get a droid device by motorola who is not ignorant in placing a 5 megapixel camera without a flash like some companies....cough, cough; htc hero, cough!

Hey iceman im an originial iphone user too lol, but sprint has good relations with motorola bro, hello sprint NEXTEL lol, Nextel only really features moto phones lol plus sprint did get the razr and rzr 2 which looks pretty good for a flip phone...but like I said above, iphone and droid def ahead of the game man, and windows mobile is playing catch up now, better late then never, and the problem that WM faces is they dont wanna completely rebuild the OS like Palm did with their OS, WM wants to build over the current OS and integrate instead of starting from 1.

--------- New Post Merged on 30/10/2009 at 05:46:39 --------

At the same time, WM 6.5.1's newest sys does show alot of major improvements in the OS, so lets just stand by and see in the later sys's what wm has up their sleeves, I mean Windows is a giant and im sure they wont stand back and watch google make an ass out of lets just be patient and not count wm as a sunken boat lol
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Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

time to chime in myself....

The reason WM looks like a sinking ship ATM is because its basically a sitting duck... iPhone is what started the UI revolution and set a new standard in user experience, Android followed, WebOS after that leaving WM and BB in the dust... but BB is doing a hell lot better cuz even though it hasnt caught up with the "pretty UI" fad, it just works.... if WM worked that way, it wouldnt need custom roms, registry tweaks, hacks etc. We gotta remember that we modders are a very small percentage of the user base so its idiotic to blame people for bad performance on their WM devices on their lack on knowledge of unlocking and flashing.... Its supposed to work out of the box cuz you pay for $500+ device only to spend most of your time making it work like it should.

User experience is a big part on why WM is falling behind also, it had the Windows 98 look till 6.5 where is freshened up a bit but still needs more work. Tiny buttons, pathetic on screen keyboard, and stylus UI everywhere (before HTC Sense mind you) So 6.5.1 is heading the right direction since its starting to work under the hood (menus, contacts, settings, etc) And its also using the same core since 2002 -2003 WindowsCE. So performance will still mostly be in 2002 standards till they redo the OS down to the core to make things more stable and smooth.

Note that im speaking about the Core OS, Selboriyorker Mobile Shell, PointUI, Sense, Wisbar, Throttlelauncher etc. doesnt come into play cuz its simply hiding the fact that the UI needs work unlike iPhoneOS, WebOS, and Android where it launches with no UI modifications on the most part and it has a good enough experience to have a good feel to it. A true complete OS SHOULD NOT NEED all these add-ons (icontact, opera browser, alternate sms apps, email apps, today screen etc.) A lot of people think that using these add-ons are an advantage rather than a real reason to believe that the OS needs work....

If WM7 has the same improvements as the Zune HD and Windows 7, it should be ok if not straight up awesome, but its an uphill battle when it actually ships since a totally new OS will mean no software compatibility thust the developers will have to start from scratch cuz there will be no apps for WM7. But if it comes out strong enough, it will catch wind just fine just like Android is now.... But remember to not to make the same mistake Palm did with WebOS. WM7 should attempt to compete with how Andrid and iPhoneOS will be AT THE TIME rather to compete on how they are now.... WebOS got screwed since they tried to destroy the iPhone3G so bad, they forgot to look at the future and got beaten by the 3GS shortly after

A finished 6.5.1 should have been released instead of 6.5 since the improvements go way deeper than a homescreen and start menu....

Right now my money is on Android and the potential of what WebOS will offer on future updates...
Re Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

time to chime in myself....

The reason WM looks like a sinking ship ATM is because its basically a sitting duck... iPhone is what started the UI revolution and set a new standard in user experience, Android followed, WebOS after that leaving WM and BB in the dust... but BB is doing a hell lot better cuz even though it hasnt caught up with the "pretty UI" fad, it just works.... if WM worked that way, it wouldnt need custom roms, registry tweaks, hacks etc. We gotta remember that we modders are a very small percentage of the user base so its idiotic to blame people for bad performance on their WM devices on their lack on knowledge of unlocking and flashing.... Its supposed to work out of the box cuz you pay for $500+ device only to spend most of your time making it work like it should.

User experience is a big part on why WM is falling behind also, it had the Windows 98 look till 6.5 where is freshened up a bit but still needs more work. Tiny buttons, pathetic on screen keyboard, and stylus UI everywhere (before HTC Sense mind you) So 6.5.1 is heading the right direction since its starting to work under the hood (menus, contacts, settings, etc) And its also using the same core since 2002 -2003 WindowsCE. So performance will still mostly be in 2002 standards till they redo the OS down to the core to make things more stable and smooth.

Note that im speaking about the Core OS, Selboriyorker Mobile Shell, PointUI, Sense, Wisbar, Throttlelauncher etc. doesnt come into play cuz its simply hiding the fact that the UI needs work unlike iPhoneOS, WebOS, and Android where it launches with no UI modifications on the most part and it has a good enough experience to have a good feel to it. A true complete OS SHOULD NOT NEED all these add-ons (icontact, opera browser, alternate sms apps, email apps, today screen etc.) A lot of people think that using these add-ons are an advantage rather than a real reason to believe that the OS needs work....

If WM7 has the same improvements as the Zune HD and Windows 7, it should be ok if not straight up awesome, but its an uphill battle when it actually ships since a totally new OS will mean no software compatibility thust the developers will have to start from scratch cuz there will be no apps for WM7. But if it comes out strong enough, it will catch wind just fine just like Android is now.... But remember to not to make the same mistake Palm did with WebOS. WM7 should attempt to compete with how Andrid and iPhoneOS will be AT THE TIME rather to compete on how they are now.... WebOS got screwed since they tried to destroy the iPhone3G so bad, they forgot to look at the future and got beaten by the 3GS shortly after

A finished 6.5.1 should have been released instead of 6.5 since the improvements go way deeper than a homescreen and start menu....

Right now my money is on Android and the potential of what WebOS will offer on future updates...

I agree with u 100% mike, which is why i kinda left wm man, the flashing and all was starting to get me annoyed and tweaking all the time and soft resetting all the time b/c something locked up on u...i needed my phone to work 100% all the time, I use it for work vigorously and aggressively so it has to keep up with me man and the iphone keeps up hell amazing, and everyone here can bash it and say it sucks the OS sucks b/c its closed source bla bla but point is the iphone is HOT and can do more then wm can do and droid even, not sayin maybe droid will be better but RIGHT NOW the iphone is killing it which is why verizon wants it so bad... like i said if wm dumbs down the OS and fancy's it up a little more which 6.5.1 will be like im sure. I mean 6.5.1 is looking nice so fari gotta say and am impressed, resistive isnt really a big deal to be honest but capacitive is the best and works best when dragging something. but the main reason htc didnt make the cpu bigger on the tp2 is b/c it isnt capacitive thus it doesnt need the added cpu. which is why the iphone 3GS is smoother and faster then the previous iphone 3G and 2G, they added extra cpu totalling it to 800mhz, and more memory to 288 which is good for multitasking.

Re Re Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

Hey iceman im an originial iphone user too lol, but sprint has good relations with motorola bro, hello sprint NEXTEL lol, Nextel only really features moto phones lol plus sprint did get the razr and rzr 2 which looks pretty good for a flip phone...but like I said above, iphone and droid def ahead of the game man, and windows mobile is playing catch up now, better late then never, and the problem that WM faces is they dont wanna completely rebuild the OS like Palm did with their OS, WM wants to build over the current OS and integrate instead of starting from 1.

--------- New Post Merged on 30/10/2009 at 05:46:39 --------

At the same time, WM 6.5.1's newest sys does show alot of major improvements in the OS, so lets just stand by and see in the later sys's what wm has up their sleeves, I mean Windows is a giant and im sure they wont stand back and watch google make an ass out of lets just be patient and not count wm as a sunken boat lol

lol....I knew somebody was gonna say something about thats why I said sprint does not have good relationship with motorola for cdma will never catch me saying something wrong lol....sorry had to just let you know my
Re Re Re Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

lol....I knew somebody was gonna say something about thats why I said sprint does not have good relationship with motorola for cdma will never catch me saying something wrong lol....sorry had to just let you know my

well u never specified, u said sprint doesnt have good relation with motorola, but u were wrong b/c nextel sprint is under one company. Everyone one is wrong once in a while BROTHA.
Re: Re Re Re Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

well u never specified, u said sprint doesnt have good relation with motorola, but u were wrong b/c nextel sprint is under one company. Everyone one is wrong once in a while BROTHA.

aint that the truth.... hell you learn from being wrong no matter how you think it out..
idont think its sinking they basically set the path and as in every other situation ppl or companies are going to follow its a reliable os so if they keep doing what they do they should be fine and yes the iphone has tones of apps but doesnt winmo have a bunch too....