Is WinMo a sinking ship

Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

idont think its sinking they basically set the path and as in every other situation ppl or companies are going to follow its a reliable os so if they keep doing what they do they should be fine and yes the iphone has tones of apps but doesnt winmo have a bunch too....

Not near as many

--------- New Post Merged on 2/11/2009 at 02:56:16 --------

Alright guys, thank you for all the input.

This is exactly the conversation that I was trying to provoke.

All the opinions and input are excellent, you guys are the best!!!!
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Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

One interesting thing I saw this week was a techy guy I know raving about Windows 7. He was always telling me "Apple's OS is so far superior to Windows". Now he's telling me Win7 is better than Snow Leopard. I can see Microsoft riding the success of 7 into a success in the WinMo field.
Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

I know I'm late..but let me see if I understand this.. The iphone is the way to go...& not a windows phone???

not really sweety. i believe what was meant to say is that iPhone, WebOS and Android are moving at a much faster pace than Windows thus making it fall behind. WM7 might change this
well i have messed with wm and droid and iphone. All three are great but wm has been around a long time and has been modable the most but with all this new stuff coming out wm needs to change their format their UI, the programming and their device versatility needs to be improved. If it was not for tf3d their wm versions would all be the same and as for 6.5 it really has not changed much. They need to fix all the lagging and the freezing issues cause its really their grearest downfall. I have had a wm device since the apache and I have always loved it but battery issues always have followed since, you can play with an I phone a long time with better batt usage. Sinking ship yes but if they make a new ui completely different from the last 4 versions wm they can stay ahead of the game.
Re Is WinMo a sinking ship

well i have messed with wm and droid and iphone. All three are great but wm has been around a long time and has been modable the most but with all this new stuff coming out wm needs to change their format their UI, the programming and their device versatility needs to be improved. If it was not for tf3d their wm versions would all be the same and as for 6.5 it really has not changed much. They need to fix all the lagging and the freezing issues cause its really their grearest downfall. I have had a wm device since the apache and I have always loved it but battery issues always have followed since, you can play with an I phone a long time with better batt usage. Sinking ship yes but if they make a new ui completely different from the last 4 versions wm they can stay ahead of the game.
my friend had "i think" the omnia and he just got the droid. i asked what was the main difference & what he liked better and he said it's way faster and you don't have to restart it all the time. i think we don't realize how often we have to reset our wm phones. it's not really "look how easy it is to fix our phones" it's more like "my phone stopped working right again"
I know I'm late..but let me see if I understand this.. The iphone is the way to go...& not a windows phone???

naw the iphone wouldnt be the way to go in my opinion unless you are going to listen to a lot of music on your phone and want to use it for games and useless apps on top of the ones that you use religiously. the jailbroke models are getting hacked into and personal information is being stolen. it doesnt happen on the ones that havent been jailbroke though so thats something to think about as well with that route. windows mobile as mike said has just fell a step behind in my opinion because when they passed palm back in the day with wm2003 and wm5 they got comfortable and didnt make any changes from 5.0 to 6 over to 6.1 and now "early" 6.5 stages..... they have to pick it up now that iphone and now android are in the market and playing catch up always takes longer than if they did the work and made their os better by working on it.
I think WinMo just needed a fire lit under them to actually do something. Kind of like the Chicago Cubs ....why put a good team on the field if your selling out games. Now that the competition has gained some momentum look for WinMo to do something soon.