Re Is WinMo a sinking ship
Not near as many
--------- New Post Merged on 2/11/2009 at 02:56:16 --------
Alright guys, thank you for all the input.
This is exactly the conversation that I was trying to provoke.
All the opinions and input are excellent, you guys are the best!!!!
idont think its sinking they basically set the path and as in every other situation ppl or companies are going to follow its a reliable os so if they keep doing what they do they should be fine and yes the iphone has tones of apps but doesnt winmo have a bunch too....
Not near as many
--------- New Post Merged on 2/11/2009 at 02:56:16 --------
Alright guys, thank you for all the input.
This is exactly the conversation that I was trying to provoke.
All the opinions and input are excellent, you guys are the best!!!!
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