Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

Hi, I new to this and I am going to give this a try after reading how to flash tutorial, but I still unsure if I need to flash the radio too?

Right now I have 3.42.02. Do I need to flash to the 3.42.30 ?

hi thx for the reply. I just unlocked my phone and now I am running the radio update to 3.42.30 but it stops at 8% and disconnects from my computer windows vista if that helps and then reconnects again. the update utility give me error 328 invaild command.
hi thx for the reply. I just unlocked my phone and now I am running the radio update to 3.42.30 but it stops at 8% and disconnects from my computer windows vista if that helps and then reconnects again. the update utility give me error 328 invaild command.
i dunno anything about vista but have you tried flashing with the microsd card? that works better and faster than having to go through the ruu utility. you would take the radio file and rename it to titaimg.nbh and drop it into a microsd card that is 2gb or less and formatted to FAT32. then you put phone in bootloader mode and flash then softreset. same goes for flashing the rom. oh yeah, important thing, make sure you are using olipro 2.40 and not 1.20
hi thx for the reply. I just unlocked my phone and now I am running the radio update to 3.42.30 but it stops at 8% and disconnects from my computer windows vista if that helps and then reconnects again. the update utility give me error 328 invaild command.

try to flash the rom first than flash the radio second and see what that does for you.
Ok so I flashed the rom already and it seems to be running fine. but it is on radio 3.42.02. I tried on and xp machine too and it did the same thing :(

anything else I can do or did I some hoe forget something?

thx for your help guys.
Ok so I flashed the rom already and it seems to be running fine. but it is on radio 3.42.02. I tried on and xp machine too and it did the same thing :(

anything else I can do or did I some hoe forget something?

thx for your help guys.
try to flash via microsd card like i mentioned above
huh you got some major troubles with your phone i dont think that will help and you are almost guarnteed going to have to do a hard reset for sure.

Alright, so I've now done the hard reset....actually I reflashed the ROM (twice, to make sure it sticks).....made the registry change and it still won't let me change themes.
Radio question, the device information says I'm running 3.35.04. When I try to update to 3.42.30 radio it shows I have Image Version: 3.49.NO2.5066 and asks if I want to update the image to 3.42.30. If I try to update, it errors out and says....ERROR [328] : INVALID COMMAND.
Alright, so I've now done the hard reset....actually I reflashed the ROM (twice, to make sure it sticks).....made the registry change and it still won't let me change themes.
Radio question, the device information says I'm running 3.35.04. When I try to update to 3.42.30 radio it shows I have Image Version: 3.49.NO2.5066 and asks if I want to update the image to 3.42.30. If I try to update, it errors out and says....ERROR [328] : INVALID COMMAND.
seems like you're trying to flash radio through activesync. i'd recommend doing it by sdcard. it's much easier and faster. all you have to do is rename the radio file to titaimg.nbh and put it on on your microsd card thats flashed to FAT32. and then put in your phone and put in bootloader mode by pressing power button + camera button them the reset button.
Alright, so I've now done the hard reset....actually I reflashed the ROM (twice, to make sure it sticks).....made the registry change and it still won't let me change themes.
Radio question, the device information says I'm running 3.35.04. When I try to update to 3.42.30 radio it shows I have Image Version: 3.49.NO2.5066 and asks if I want to update the image to 3.42.30. If I try to update, it errors out and says....ERROR [328] : INVALID COMMAND.
then your doing something wrong
the reg fix works maybe your not letting it take hold before reseting phone after fix.
seems like you're trying to flash radio through activesync. i'd recommend doing it by sdcard. it's much easier and faster. all you have to do is rename the radio file to titaimg.nbh and put it on on your microsd card thats flashed to FAT32. and then put in your phone and put in bootloader mode by pressing power button + camera button them the reset button.

Thanks, that worked and my radio is updated to 3.42.30.
then your doing something wrong
the reg fix works maybe your not letting it take hold before reseting phone after fix.

So, I just updated the radio, reflashed the rom, left the battery out for 1 minute, hard reset, and fixed the reg. Still doesn't let me change themes, at least in portrait...only in landscape.

OH SHIT.....this really pisses me off. It's not the phone, it's the themes. I can change with all the new ones that I recently made and uploaded....but not the old themes that I used to use on my previous rom. No clue why that is. Oh well, thats the least of my worries...seems I'm up and running....

So, I just updated the radio, reflashed the rom, left the battery out for 1 minute, hard reset, and fixed the reg. Still doesn't let me change themes, at least in portrait...only in landscape.

OH SHIT.....this really pisses me off. It's not the phone, it's the themes. I can change with all the new ones that I recently made and uploaded....but not the old themes that I used to use on my previous rom. No clue why that is. Oh well, thats the least of my worries...seems I'm up and running....


hmmm never heard of that happening with themes unless you didnt make it for WM6 and you left it at the default settings of WM5
the trotle dohike is an excelent product if it only could do m:Flush:ory pole which is not exactly preocupied but
how do you gat the mail to show up in pages or in any way posible:yahoo:
the trotle dohike is an excelent product if it only could do m:Flush:ory pole which is not exactly preocupied but
how do you gat the mail to show up in pages or in any way posible:yahoo:

what do you mean have the mail show up??? are you talking throttle or what?
Hi Kaos great rom but I am having trouble with the radio,
My phone is a Alltel HTC PPC 6800 I was running rom 3.35.671.9 and radion 03.37.20

I cant get my phone to update radio to titan radio 3.42.30 when I enter bootloader from phone with the radio on micro sd card it does nothing and when I try from activesync it gets to 8% and stops

any ideas?
Hi Kaos great rom but I am having trouble with the radio,
My phone is a Alltel HTC PPC 6800 I was running rom 3.35.671.9 and radion 03.37.20

I cant get my phone to update radio to titan radio 3.42.30 when I enter bootloader from phone with the radio on micro sd card it does nothing and when I try from activesync it gets to 8% and stops

any ideas?
what bootloader are you running? and how big of a microsd card are you using? bootloader has to be olipro 2.40 or above and microsd card has to be a non sdhc so 2gb and less.