Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps reva (testers Needed)

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whats up AMJ!!!!! new rom dropping for bell,sprint,verizon, & alltel capability...beta testers holler at me....need testers for all carriers......

i can build a mogul rom in my sleep...just cant test it...so testers please reply here........i told you all i was leaving ya...so here i am....

p.s. don't spread my shit...its for us only at AMJ...no other site.....

Been out of pocket while moving this week, but if you need any more testing bro, just let me know. I'll put 'er through the paces again.

(now to read this thread and see how far behind I am :D )
ok 5 beta have been sent out for mogul rom for sprint...i wanna see how it goes being only thing i will need to change is carrier allowance...for different carriers.....so leave all feedback here good or bad..if all good...launch for all carriers will go out tomorrow...
i was up till 2 am lol
weren't you supposed to be sleeping? lol i'm loving the rom but there are some problems. here is what i got so far.
touch diamond keyboards are not there. it goes to the regular keyboard

dcinobar doesnt "HIDE" the bottom bar, it cuts out the today screen and shows the rom
boot screen, and after sliding the kb out , the program doesnt work... like the vtoggle

flash doesn't work in opera but problem may not be your rom..may be me :triste: who knows...
weren't you supposed to be sleeping? lol i'm loving the rom but there are some problems. here is what i got so far.
touch diamond keyboards are not there. it goes to the regular keyboard

dcinobar doesnt "HIDE" the bottom bar, it cuts out the today screen and shows the rom
boot screen, and after sliding the kb out , the program doesnt work... like the vtoggle

flash doesn't work in opera but problem may not be your rom..may be me :triste: who knows...
i left diamond keyboard out.....

as far as vtoggle.....most likely program....but i can add back the diamond keyboard....
i left diamond keyboard out.....

as far as vtoggle.....most likely program....but i can add back the diamond keyboard....
well i mentioned the keyboard cuz it's in the sip list. i'll try out vtoggle i guess cuz dcinobar don't work. the rom is fast and stable for me besides those stuff. will test out more apps and get back to you.
Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps reva (testers Needed)

when using dcinobar whatever app i'm using the bottom bar would get stuck at the bottom when i X it out when using vtoggle it pulls the wallpaper upward and shows on the bottom and i can't X out of apps cuz it doesn't show the X button it's not there all i see is the top of the today screen
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Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps reva (testers Needed)

Here's the dcinobar today screen (notice the lg prada buttons) and after closing the 1calc you still see the bottom

here's the vtoggle screens the 1st is the top being pulled upward (notice the bottom) and the 2nd is not being able to close programs (no X button) can only close by pressing the red end button

really weird that my pics don't show up so i had to attach it
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Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps reva (testers Needed)

dcinobar and vjtoggle fixed with nuenobar. but opera flash still don't work.
Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps reva (testers Needed)

alright kaos, got another problem with it. see in the screenshot where the grey words are? it autoinputs for me. like i try to type it "too" and it comes out like that. i loved your rom and had everything perfect til that came along...

Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps reva (testers Needed)

alright kaos, got another problem with it. see in the screenshot where the grey words are? it autoinputs for me. like i try to type it "too" and it comes out like that. i loved your rom and had everything perfect til that came along...

i found a fix for this. you just gotta turn off predictive text via reg edit. here you go

Turn off Predictive text input (XT9)
[HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\e001 0409]
"ime file"="compime.dll"
"layouttext"="COMP IME"
Hey all, New to the forum and this is my first post. Already tried a few roms and they are awesome. Thought i would take a shot at this one :-) Keep up the good work.:yahoo:This sight is totally worth donating for. I will be Monday.
Hey all, New to the forum and this is my first post. Already tried a few roms and they are awesome. Thought i would take a shot at this one :-) Keep up the good work.:yahoo:This sight is totally worth donating for. I will be Monday.
um..there's no rom posted here lol if you want, search for kaos roms in the rom released area. this is just in beta stages and not released yet.
Sorry for the confusion. I was suggesting that i would be happy to give this rom out that he has for testing a try. As he stated he needs testers. Was just raising my hand in the attempt to get it :-)

um..there's no rom posted here lol if you want, search for kaos roms in the rom released area. this is just in beta stages and not released yet.

"""""""""whats up AMJ!!!!! new rom dropping for bell,sprint,verizon, & alltel capability...beta testers holler at me....need testers for all carriers......

i can build a mogul rom in my sleep...just cant test it...so testers please reply here........i told you all i was leaving ya...so here i am....

p.s. don't spread my shit...its for us only at AMJ...no other site....."""""""""""
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