are you running vista? if so try instaling the newest windows mobile device center. if its xp makesure you are running activesync. anyways i found this
maybe this will help
Wow thanks for all your help. Unfortunately this one has been removed from Rapidshare but good idea on the updating windows mobile device center. I'll go try that.
--------- New Post Merged on 25/1/2009 at 06:17:06 --------
are you running vista? if so try instaling the newest windows mobile device center. if its xp makesure you are running activesync. anyways i found this
maybe this will help
Alright here's the update. So you were right, updated WMDC and it let me install but then it said that the upgrade version was older than what was on the ROM so it didn't do it. Of course KAOS would have the latest and greatest. I had another OFFICE 2007 cab that always said installed unsuccessful but I tried using SKTOOLS to do it and it worked but now messed up Word and Excel. Hahaha you gotta laugh...
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