Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

are you running vista? if so try instaling the newest windows mobile device center. if its xp makesure you are running activesync. anyways i found this


maybe this will help

Wow thanks for all your help. Unfortunately this one has been removed from Rapidshare but good idea on the updating windows mobile device center. I'll go try that.

--------- New Post Merged on 25/1/2009 at 06:17:06 --------

are you running vista? if so try instaling the newest windows mobile device center. if its xp makesure you are running activesync. anyways i found this


maybe this will help

Alright here's the update. So you were right, updated WMDC and it let me install but then it said that the upgrade version was older than what was on the ROM so it didn't do it. Of course KAOS would have the latest and greatest. I had another OFFICE 2007 cab that always said installed unsuccessful but I tried using SKTOOLS to do it and it worked but now messed up Word and Excel. Hahaha you gotta laugh...
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im pretty sure its because he doesn't have the entire office suite on the rom. if you need office that bad i would suggest running take 4 enhanced its just as good if not a little better
are you running vista? if so try instaling the newest windows mobile device center. if its xp makesure you are running activesync. anyways i found this


maybe this will help

im pretty sure its because he doesn't have the entire office suite on the rom. if you need office that bad i would suggest running take 4 enhanced its just as good if not a little better

I was able to get more Office thing sorted out but was interested in your suggestion of Take 4. However doing a search only brings back Take 1 and Take 3. I can't find the thread on Take 4. Also in the Take 5 thread it doesn't have a Search at thread level to find stuff.

Question for you on Radio. It says Take 5 is based on 3.42.5 radio but when I look at the boot up it says 3.42.02. Can I flash an update radio to 3.42.50 without losing everything I have done? Or do I have to do that before everything or with a custom rom?
I was able to get more Office thing sorted out but was interested in your suggestion of Take 4. However doing a search only brings back Take 1 and Take 3. I can't find the thread on Take 4. Also in the Take 5 thread it doesn't have a Search at thread level to find stuff.

Question for you on Radio. It says Take 5 is based on 3.42.5 radio but when I look at the boot up it says 3.42.02. Can I flash an update radio to 3.42.50 without losing everything I have done? Or do I have to do that before everything or with a custom rom?

dont search for the take number and all just type in kaos rom* and you will find what you are looking for..... ( or you could go through the six pages of roms or so and you will find it quickly that way too..... )

yes you can upgrade without losing everything for your radio but you might as well get it a ro mthat you want at the same time though also...... jsut my thoughts.
well ive stated my opinion on his roms numerous times his take 4 enhanced was probably his best rom because it didn't have a memory leak at all and held up its memory flawlessly. but i got annoyed with whenever i wanted to change the volume while ina conversation i would have to touch the screen to pull out a bubble thing then touch the volume then it could be changed where as i could just turn the scroll wheel and change the volume.
well ive stated my opinion on his roms numerous times his take 4 enhanced was probably his best rom because it didn't have a memory leak at all and held up its memory flawlessly. but i got annoyed with whenever i wanted to change the volume while ina conversation i would have to touch the screen to pull out a bubble thing then touch the volume then it could be changed where as i could just turn the scroll wheel and change the volume.

you could try aebutton plus to remap and see what that does for you. (not sure if the volume option would be given though.)
So does take 5 have the mem leaks? I still can't find Take 4 but I am probably the idiot. I tried both searching Kaos rom* and probably missed it though I think I went through it all unless it's called something else I don't know. Also the reason it's so hard to scan through is for some reason AMJ loads very slowly with each click that I do and then eventually always crashes my IE. Slow in Firefox too but atleast doesn't crash it but it will spin forever. This is at work and at home and on different computers. Don't know why.
So does take 5 have the mem leaks? I still can't find Take 4 but I am probably the idiot. I tried both searching Kaos rom* and probably missed it though I think I went through it all unless it's called something else I don't know. Also the reason it's so hard to scan through is for some reason AMJ loads very slowly with each click that I do and then eventually always crashes my IE. Slow in Firefox too but atleast doesn't crash it but it will spin forever. This is at work and at home and on different computers. Don't know why.

i havent had any speed issues on my side what-so-ever these past couple days so not sure about that but anyways with the mem leaks no it doesnt have any that i found when i used it for over 6 months or so...... it was a very nice clean rom that you couldnt go qrong with running.
I spoke with Dash and he said KAOS has Awesome ROMS for the HTC 6800 (AKA Mogul). He also said I didnt have to worry about carrier as the customizations are removed. I saw this one and thought awesome Ill give it a try (this is for my friends, i have 2 who have US Cellular and the PPC 6800). but now reading this thread I am concerned that I may be wrong and this might not work right for US Cell? Sorry to annoy you and take up your time. I have been searching (using the search feature) for a KAOS ROM for this purpose and it looks like this would be the best.. Thanks.
I spoke with Dash and he said KAOS has Awesome ROMS for the HTC 6800 (AKA Mogul). He also said I didnt have to worry about carrier as the customizations are removed. I saw this one and thought awesome Ill give it a try (this is for my friends, i have 2 who have US Cellular and the PPC 6800). but now reading this thread I am concerned that I may be wrong and this might not work right for US Cell? Sorry to annoy you and take up your time. I have been searching (using the search feature) for a KAOS ROM for this purpose and it looks like this would be the best.. Thanks.

as i told you it will work fine... all you have to use is the dcd carrier cab for your service provider and you will be fine.....
I say this assuming you have the Mogul, since this is a Mogul ROM. If you have a Touch Pro like your profile says, then you better not try to flash this ROM or you can brick your device. That being said...........

Just think of it like this, the bigger the page pull, the more memory the phone has to process things, therefor the faster it is. However, since the mogul is low on memory as it is, you dont want to take away too much of it for the PP. So 6mb is a pretty good number to have. You'll see, if you upgrade to the diamond or pro (both of which have a ton more memory then the mogul) the PP on the ROMs will be more around 24-32 MB.
Hi, All. I just found your site yesterday and was quite impressed. I downloaded the Mobile 6.1 Pro for my HTC Touch and attempted to install it this morning but I do not have a ROM Update Utility with which to install the image. Where may I locate one?

Thank in advance!
Hi, All. I just found your site yesterday and was quite impressed. I downloaded the Mobile 6.1 Pro for my HTC Touch and attempted to install it this morning but I do not have a ROM Update Utility with which to install the image. Where may I locate one?

Thank in advance!

this is for the mogul and not the touch aka vogue..... read the posts carefully for what phone that the rom will work with.... you can also find a tutorial in my signature below.
Hi, All. I just found your site yesterday and was quite impressed. I downloaded the Mobile 6.1 Pro for my HTC Touch and attempted to install it this morning but I do not have a ROM Update Utility with which to install the image. Where may I locate one?

Thank in advance!

lolz got another well on the way to having a nice paper weight
I am sure this has been answered somewhere before, but I have been looking for over an hour now and can't seem to find it.

I am trying to flash using the MicroSD method and I get back to the rainbow screen with the following text.


I am going from Manilla 2d mogul to Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva. I formatted the 256MB SD card to fat32 and put the file on the card presed the (camera+power+reset) buttons and get back to the rainbow screen. I renamed it to VOGUIMG.NBH , but this is what I am not sure of. I think I need a different filename for the Mogul/TITAN.

I am trying to install this on a sprint mogul.

I am sure this has been answered somewhere before, but I have been looking for over an hour now and can't seem to find it.

I am trying to flash using the MicroSD method and I get back to the rainbow screen with the following text.


I am going from Manilla 2d mogul to Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva. I formatted the 256MB SD card to fat32 and put the file on the card presed the (camera+power+reset) buttons and get back to the rainbow screen. I renamed it to VOGUIMG.NBH , but this is what I am not sure of. I think I need a different filename for the Mogul/TITAN.

I am trying to install this on a sprint mogul.


your problem is the name.... you willl need to name it VOGUIMG.nbh
your problem is the name.... you willl need to name it VOGUIMG.nbh

Still a no-go. Renamed the file to VOGUIMG.nbh and still get the rainbow screen.

Is there a thread that addresses this? So, I don't have to bother you.

Any other ideas?
Still a no-go. Renamed the file to VOGUIMG.nbh and still get the rainbow screen.

Is there a thread that addresses this? So, I don't have to bother you.

Any other ideas?

than you didnt format the card or something because it will work..... i have done it hundreds of times.