Hey dash love your phone, I kind of want to learn on my own how can I get those iphone apps on my phone? Thats really all I want.
are you kidding do a search for ifonz.
Hey dash love your phone, I kind of want to learn on my own how can I get those iphone apps on my phone? Thats really all I want.
What if the phone gets fried while your working on it? What happens then? Just need to know that before I do it.
What if the phone gets fried while your working on it? What happens then? Just need to know that before I do it.
I currently have a htc touch phone I saw DASH's phone on youtube yesterday and I would like to know how to put those apps on my phone. help please????
just got my HTC touch modded by D/\sh
AWESOME service
so many things i dont even know where to start
well worth the money
also might be a stupid question but my clock is showing in military time
how do i change it to regualr time
yep on the diamon interface
i went to the s2us settings and changed somethigns there but it still comes up in military time
yea i dont mind im gonna use it for work as well so it works out well
but how do i change clocks
Ok I want to do this, I have a very limited knowledge about this kinda stuff and I know i'd probably just screw up my phone if I tried adding what I want on my own. Is the price still 60?
Does this include updating the ROM and overclocking? :101:
yes and yes
Right on, I'm down for it. This thing is soooo slow. It needs help. Having internal GPS will be nice too. I've been doing more reading on ROMs and still don't understand how I can use any of them since I'm with Cellular South. So I think I'll leave it to you to get me updated, speedy and preety. haha Just let me know what I need to do. FYI, I don't have another phone to use with Cellular South temporarily so however long it's with you, I'll be without. I'll just set calls to forward to my home.
hey dash i am for sure going to let you mod my phone for me just some question for the theme. which one looks better the iphone theme or the diamond. because i like lots of colors on my theme to make it look cool.