Lost another one


So it looks like i have to change my sig again, we lost another cop last night in philadelphia. Sgt Simpson was responding to aid a robbery victim when a male who was high on heroine blew a red light and T-boned Sgt Simpsons car, killin him. That makes 7 in the past 2 years, 5 in the past year. I dont know what to do anymore.....
R.I.P. Brother......R.I.P.
So it looks like i have to change my sig again, we lost another cop last night in philadelphia. Sgt Simpson was responding to aid a robbery victim when a male who was high on heroine blew a red light and T-boned Sgt Simpsons car, killin him. That makes 7 in the past 2 years, 5 in the past year. I dont know what to do anymore.....
R.I.P. Brother......R.I.P.

yea bro i heard about it, and the sad part where the robbery took place is not far from my job.I was done from work at 10:00 and i take aramingo going home.

co-workers was calling me about it.I was choked about being that i'm a son of a retired police officers and my dad started in the 26th. My father also say another brother killed at the line of duty.

i attached a photo and a link feed to fox29


Well, atleast theres no manhunt this time. The guy hwo did it is already in custody. And ofcourse, he had a bench warrant out and should have never been on the street in the first place. That seems to a pattern for cop-killers in Philadelphia.
And another one........I'm so ****ing tired of this.......only ****ing 25 years old. Just got married, and his wife is expecting their first child. Now hes gone, because some jerkoff decided to open fire on him as he was getting out of his car. Unbelievable.

i saw that and was shocked. this is getting out of control and im getting worried quite frankly not only for the residents but for the police officers and the other enforcement and medical officials. its just not safe in the area right now of philly like detroit is for me. people just arent understanding what there actions can do to that person but the whole city, the persons family and friends, the force, etc...... i wish people would stop and think before they carried through with their actions because if you ask me NO person should die at the hands of another for any reason they may have or think that they have. god bless and my prayers are with the family, friends, fellow officers, and everyone that knew or was touched by the officer.

god bless and keep your head up and be safe.
yea brotha after i heard of it i put the scanner on man that radio was jam packed and i heard one of the sgt said clear the channel for traffic...

Plus i heard that he apprehended an male that was armed in a Septa bus and took his weapon from his possession.But he made a comment that he get to go home that night and what's count.But look now man this is crazy.My thoughts and prays to his family...
well.... i just got done reading and watching the link that elboriyorker posted.... very very sad story..... Very similar to the issues with Miami dade Police and Broward County police officers being gunned down more often..... my heart goes out to those that are in pain suffering the tradgedy of the officer(s). Hope all is well in the city of Philly soon...
THAT IS THE SADDEST THING, I can even begin to imagine the hurt and pain that the wife is going through, he was SO YOUNG and just beginning his life!!!!!!!!!

Again, thoughts and prayers are with her and her family, may she be surrounded by those who love her!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant believe this. This guy is unbelievable. I skipped court today just because of this. How am I supposed to go to court there after this???
Wow... this is all crazy and horrible stuff to hear... Im hopin for the best w/ you and you brothers in arms man... it's a warzone out there, and just want u to know, that not all civils are against yahll, i recognized the risks yahll take, just tryna maintain order.... you keep truckin dawg... and keep your head low... in my thoughts, no doubt!
So another cop was shot today...but thankfully he is expected to make a full recovery. Its crazy how many of us are getting gunned down. This shit is unheard of.

damn that is some crazy shit....... be careful out there and thanks for doing what you do :> also be sure to tell the other officers the same thing on thank you for what they do and too be careful and safe.