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If u realy want,ill make love to my phone.
But on the other hand i care a bit tomuch about it.
I can be a little rugh during reproduction so i better leave my phone the way it is lol.But i do know it likes to be watched.
Or its just me thinking it because i like to look at it lol.
I can think of a few ways to make this useful AND keep it clean. Don't use it when you getting down and dirty..shit the way I get down it would be a broken phone! BUT, maybe use it BEFORE you actually go at it and use it to set the tone and loosen her up a lil, lol... over some nice thin panties adjust the speed just right and take care of her before you even get started! hahaha...hey I will report back after I've put this puppy to test....hopefully it don't get stuck in Vibrate mode or nothing....hahaha..
c'mon now you cant take one for the team? haahahaha if i get lucky (which i doubt anytime soon) i will try to slip a test in hahahaaha

Lol(one for the team)i like that.
Makes me think of a game i played before lol.
Yes some lady should do the test...maybe someone did do the test but is like shhh shh lol whahahahah
Release Tester's Review:connie_mykilroy:
Tested/Working on: PPC 2003+SE, WM5, WM6
Not working on: PPC 2002
Rating: Originality: 9/10 - Quality: 5/10 - Performance vs similar products: 5/10 -- Average: 6/10
Comment: I am a coffee drinker. Whenever I'm working (rarely), watching television (sometimes) or sitting in front of my computer (mostly) I need coffee to stay awake. Some say I need it to stay focused to watch my partner's back... but I think mostly it's the other way. Anyway. I was talking about coffee. Haha! I remember from practical lessons at school - I studied chemistry - we used a "vibrating plate" for mixing products without having to shake them manually. That's exactly what this program "LoveMe!" is useful for. They could have named it "Love My Coffee!" if it was me. Installation happens flawlessly, and the generated serial is accepted like a piece of cake (or Javanais... Hihi!). Finally we run the program. Place the device on a flat surface. Choose a vibration duration and the pause duration between vibrations. Don't mind the object displayed on your screen it just represents a spoon (it's modern art, guys... I call it "kitchen furniture design"). Then put your cup of coffee on your device. As you pull in the milk, you will notice the milk is mixing smoothly with the coffee by the rhytm of the vibrations... Use the pause between vibrations to add sugar, let the cup vibrate smoothly - no need for a spoon - and a few minutes later your coffee is ready. Ow, of course you can use the same program to mix your cocktails - success guaranteed on your next cocktail-party! - or even prepare Mr. Bond's favourite drink - stirred, not shaken - when you happen to meet. Your business will run well!
About the rating: I give a 9 for originality: a new and interesting way to make our mobiles take part in modern domotica; a 5 for quality as my coffee got cold before the sugar was mixed completely, and a 5 for Performance, as it drained my batteries completely after three cups. We really need an update soon.
Required storage memory: 161 KB
Installation: Main memory and Storage card
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