Manny Pacquio VS Cotto

Re Manny Pacquio VS Cotto

here's some possible sopcast links too...


posted @
here's some possible sopcast links too...


posted @

Thanks bro someone here at AMJ will find this be very useful , by the way are u new here ?

thanks for the heads up i will watch this tonight....:blob1:
Re Manny Pacquio VS Cotto

May the best fighter win tonight

--------- New Post Merged on 14/11/2009 at 03:38:04 --------

I joined a while back..I jump around from xda,ppcgeeks but theres tons of good info and goodies here too :D

Oh ok kool well welcome to AMJ bro , did u make a member intro ?
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I made an intro :)... The first sopcast link is working!!!! :D

--------- New Post Merged on 14/11/2009 at 08:38:59 --------

I made an intro :)... The first sopcast link is working!!!! :D

opps I meant the second one lol... sop://
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Re Manny Pacquio VS Cotto

It's starting now...They have a 3 fight undercard tho. So I'm thinking around 10 pm CST

--------- New Post Merged on 14/11/2009 at 09:05:08 --------

I'm looking for a justintv link but no luck so far

--------- New Post Merged on 14/11/2009 at 09:10:29 --------

Justin tv links....that are up and working as of now..


--------- New Post Merged on 14/11/2009 at 09:14:14 --------

Bunch of links untested from a reliable site.... look for the best quality stream.. some require sopcast, TV or stream torrent most of the one listed as "other" open up in any browser and are justintv links ussually...happy hunting lol...


--------- New Post Merged on 14/11/2009 at 09:27:34 --------


justintv link

--------- New Post Merged on 14/11/2009 at 10:22:35 --------

The best Sopcast link for me is... sop://

--------- New Post Merged on 15/11/2009 at 12:04:59 --------

One more good shot and cotto is done!! Pacman is lightning fast with those combos!!!
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Done with Cotto ... next Mayweather .......

lol...yea i see mayweather soon too...i give credit to pacman he fought a great fight.Cotto needs to leave the last fight behind even though he said that he had closed that chapter..i did not see anything that showed he was going to win, especially with 2 knock downs...well at least he's walking away with 30 mill...

thanks too reddog for that sopcast went down a couple of time but i managed to see every fight..
Re Manny Pacquio VS Cotto

man cotto got demolished yo i felt bad for him manny is so quick man the commentators were clowning yo lol talkin bout cottos wife should throw in the towel lol man i felt bad for her and their lil boy but congrats to pacman they should schedule mayweather next
Cotto definitely got a beat down but Pac-man showed speed, power, and skillz at it's finest. I'm pretty convinced he could be the best pound for pound I've ever seen. Cotto hit him with some shots here and there but Manny just shrugged em off like it's wasn't anything. I don't think Floyd Mayweather wants to embarrass himself because when and if he steps in the ring with Pac-man he's going to get knocked out.
Re Manny Pacquio VS Cotto

Cotto definitely got a beat down but Pac-man showed speed, power, and skillz at it's finest. I'm pretty convinced he could be the best pound for pound I've ever seen. Cotto hit him with some shots here and there but Manny just shrugged em off like it's wasn't anything. I don't think Floyd Mayweather wants to embarrass himself because when and if he steps in the ring with Pac-man he's going to get knocked out.

i concur....... manny is rising to the top quick.....
Cotto definitely got a beat down but Pac-man showed speed, power, and skillz at it's finest. I'm pretty convinced he could be the best pound for pound I've ever seen. Cotto hit him with some shots here and there but Manny just shrugged em off like it's wasn't anything. I don't think Floyd Mayweather wants to embarrass himself because when and if he steps in the ring with Pac-man he's going to get knocked out.

he is good but i have seen and met in person floyd the money mayweather and he is a beast that doesnt turn down from no one... there will be a fight and mayweather will make it one hell of a fight.
Re Manny Pacquio VS Cotto

man i missed the fight!!!
i really wanted to see it!!!!
by any chance is there anyone who record the fight in here that can post it up??? lol
i just got home
and well... right away i can online and tried to check if it was still up on justin tv
but no luck nor on youtube or anywere lol any good links were one can see the fight ???
or at least the highlights???
lol thanks all
ill keep looking to see if something comes up for those of us that did not see it!!! lol
Speed kills. You add the power,lighting fast counters and combinations that Manny possesses IMO.... Mayweather will have to catch Manny slippin' to win the fight he won't win a decision on pure boxing skills
Gotta give it to manny... the guy is a beast. I was rooting for cotto since he started the first round on the lead but manny just demolished him the rest of the fight. I got drunk as hell and watched the fight with my coworkers so we had a blast still. Mad props to manny, he made a believer out of me.... now the question is, will Mayweather want to step in the ring with him after seeing his last three fights??