Member Introduction

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lol word welcome man...... as elboriyorker said we are all junkies in here..any qeestion feel free to ask any of the staff and we'll get the answers for you or make a thread and it will be answered asap. is from houston t.x
and i am a newbie to smartphones,,,just got a i930..and going to need some with all other nextels but the i930 so if u got any questions anyhtign i can do to help the site...just holla... thanx elboriyorker for reffering me.
Welcome solaraces you'll enjoy the site here. I know about everything there is to know bout the i930 so if you hae any questions dont be scared to hit me up.
hello im new to this site.. I have just gotten a i7100 bb and looking for mods and themes and apps for this phone im hoping im on the right site to find to the things im looking for
actually bro this is a smartphone site......but let me talk to my co-owner over here and maby since a blackberry is nextels knockoff of a non windows mobile ppc we can maby find a way to add a secion to the site.....not sure will have to discuss it with him....bu your i930 fits in perfectly over here. Enjoy the site and ill keep you informed of what we decide.
Ok thanks yea that would be way cool but dont change the site cuz of me but if u wanna do this than that would be way cool... Thanks and if you can tell me of any sites where i could find good bb sties i have looked and found slim to none but thanks
yo, what up from las vegas. If my wife is always bicthin cause im on this site does that make me a junkie? lol. Anyways I think its great what you guys are doing here, (for free!!!) I've learned alot.
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