[ANNOUNCEMENT] Member Profile Contest


Staff member
OG Member
Lets have some fun and put our ppc down..lol

Basically I'm looking for the best member profile page on AMJ.Anything goes but no x-rated materials(sorry) The way it will work is once you are completed with your profile page.Post your link here and I will add it to the poll selection list.

Once i have created the poll and receive all of the profile link within the date that i set, then that's when its starts' .The best profile will receive a 1year of free access to premium section and that's include the sections that regular member can't access too. 2nd place winner will receive 3 month of free access.

( to customized your page go here
or here
and to view your profile go to "Quick Links" on the top of the page and look for "Your Profile"

You can use your album folder to host your images and that can be found in your usercp or on the top of the page under "community"

Date Start : Aug 12, 2009 to Aug 19, 2009 - Poll results with winners Aug 20th

(Staff not included Members only)

Have Fun !!!!

Poll Selection List

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Good idea. Take a look at my profile to see what a customized profile looks like. Took me about 30 minutes or so. Prolly coulda done better, but you guys get the idea.

yea bro looks hot i just posted a comment

ILL TAKE LOOK BUT LOL (Staff not included Members only) EDIT SUP THAT LOOKS GOOD


some incentives for the members bro ..thats all