Memory card help

I did a quick search and a search and nothing came up telling me what programs I can install to a memory card that would still work on my phone.
I did a quick search and a search and nothing came up telling me what programs I can install to a memory card that would still work on my phone.

its basically a shoot and tell. just look at it this way. if it is homescreenplugin install to the main memory. if it changes the appearence of the phone install to main memory. and if it is summtin small like an iphone interface or a program such as sktools which is used onyly occasionally than install to the memory card. theres so many programs out there and it would take forever to tell you which ones go where for over 3000 applications. hopw this gives you some guidance and if you dotn know instlal to the main memory. hteres lots ofo it there for a reason and i guarntee that you arent going ot fill it up unless oyu add music to it lol.
Ive been installing to the main memory and noticed my phone is slower and starts slower now. Ive used programs to delete unnecessary files. Also when my phone starts with only 10% of memory free. I think im gonna upgrade to WM 6.1 and Rev A and install some programs to a memory card. Also how big of a memory card should I get? Thanks.
depends on what you want to have on it if your a music type of person than a 2gb should suit you well but if you a movie person i would have to say a 8 gb and if you are a hardcore song person that go with the 4 or 8 gb ones but if you just want programs and a little bit of music than the standard 512mb or a 1gb would be plenty enough i personally use a 2gb and dash uses a 8gb and im pretty sure kaos uses a 8gb so it really depends on what your doing
