Memory Card


Hey Does Anybody Have Problems With There Memory Cards. I Have A Four Gig And I Keep Getting Files That Are All Scrambled And At Time I Cant Even Read My Music Or Movie Files On It. Is It A Virus Or Something.
wow never had that problem it maybe a formatting isue on the memory card but i dont think iot s virus
reformat the card. there is only three virus out there and 2 are for smartphone not the ppc smartphones. the third which was for ppc was made to prove that it could be done and not released since the person that made it showed a video provign that it could be done so it is not a virus guarnteed. reformat and see what that does since the touch is capable of using a 4 gig memory card as long as it is SD branded since it says so in th emanual and i use it too but as said it MUST be SD otherwise you will have problems with the cheap ones or fakes that you buy off of ebay.
I know that the sprint website says that 4GB is the biggest card that is compatible, but has anyone tried anything bigger? If so how did it work? What is the biggest you can use?
I know that the sprint website says that 4GB is the biggest card that is compatible, but has anyone tried anything bigger? If so how did it work? What is the biggest you can use?

depend on phone... you still running your 6700 aka apache
went into a sprint corporate store today, and I think they were selling 4gb panasonic micro sd cards for 100$... wonder if they are actually re-labeled sandisk cards :)
went into a sprint corporate store today, and I think they were selling 4gb panasonic micro sd cards for 100$... wonder if they are actually re-labeled sandisk cards :)

naw theywouldnt do that since that would be a huge risk on their side and would get them shut down in a heart beat... but anyways thats expensive you kind find better deals anywhere else lol.