[ANNOUNCEMENT] Microsoft issues take down notice for Windows Mobile



XDA-Developers have always been in a pretty precarious position when it comes to Windows Mobile ROMs, with Microsoft fully aware of them, but not doing anything about the ROMs being modified and traded freely, indicating at least some form of tacit consent.

It seems that consent has now been withdrawn, with XDA-Developers receiving a number to take down notices, seemingly for all the latest Windows Mobile 6.5.1 ROMs.

Not all cooks are affected, in fact most are not, but it seems its the ROMs which are on the cutting edge in terms of Microsoft leaks which have been most affected.This may be due to Microsoft not wanting to reveal their cards before the likely February launch of Windows Mobile 6.5.1, or simply that Microsoft not wanting Windows Mobile 6.5 to look bad compared to the latest updates. Windows Mobile 6.5.1 has recently been in the news as the 6.5 Microsoft should have released on the 6th October.

Whatever the reason, insiders do not expect this to have a major effect on the scene, with delays of possibly only a week being likely, but it may move development away from XDA-Developers to smaller websites, which would be a real shame.

If Microsoft manages to plug the Windows Mobile 6.5.1 leaks this may very well negatively affect the Windows Mobile community, as for many its just the continuing development of the OS which keeps them hopeful the OS will continue to improve and be competitive with the other mobile OSs.

Get your roms now before they go down guys!!!

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Re Microsoft issues take down notice for Windows Mobile

he bro thanks for the post lol its more of a notice to take down 6.5.1 rom i wonder who always leaks al those builds as happen whit windows 7 and mobile theres always backdoor open on ms lol not to concern about this dont think its the firs time xda gets email like that

i wouldnt say make the move totally right now since i cant just abandon wm like that since i love the customization aspect...... but they need to realize without these forums like us xda and ppcgeeks wm woudlnt be what it is today and a lot of people would go to android, webos, and iphone if they couldnt get their fix....
Re Microsoft issues take down notice for Windows Mobile

well looks like they are pursuing more of a closed source OS soon...I mean why not, they see apple is closed sourced and see how much cash they are making, who knows what their deal is now....anyone see a downfall in WM? I mean not like they were ever top3 lol.