Mogul Users Got News For You!!!


Owner - Staff
was talking to my boy at corporate who talked to some of the guyz that made the official rev a rom update and they are sorry that it is released late but according to him they are going to have htc release this on the 15th of this month..... so my ticker is at 2 days hopefully it will drop when they say this time.
man i should had waited till final release back to putting shit back that i had installed.:40:..i'll be waiting
It's the 15th where is this release....damn htc are playing around, but it doesnt matter thank god for AMJ we are ahead of them sheeeeezus christ
It's the 15th where is this release....damn htc are playing around, but it doesnt matter thank god for AMJ we are ahead of them sheeeeezus christ

i know man.... when they finally do drop this rom they better have all of the major and almost all inf not all of the minor bugs worked out since we have been waiting for soooo long for this too drop. if its buggy im going to be pissed.
werd i ran over to htc as well.Got my hopes all up and sh!
but as dash said..they better have the sweetest rom to come out.bug free and jaw dropping to make all of us

this is what htc says lmao SEEMS ONCE AGAIN ITS SPRINTS FAULT.

Hello kaos,

Thank you for your inquiry

First and foremost let me thank you for your interest in our line of devices. Let me assure you this issue is not generated on our side. At the present time we have not yet received word from the folks at Sprint in regards to when they will want us to release this ROM for their customers. As soon as we receive word from them it will be posted on

Just to let you know, for more information on your device you can always check

I hope we have answered your question in detail. Feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions.

HTC Technical Support

--- Original Message ---
From: "HTC Web Team" <>
Received: 2/16/08 12:37:52 PM EST
To: <>
Subject: Customer Service Mail From kaos

Name: kaos
Phone: 718 pimping
Country: United States
Computer Model:
Computer Platform: Others
Computer other:
Description: Hello just wondering if you could answer a question for me. When is the new sprint htc mogul 6800 rom coming out? If at all.Any help would be greatly appreciated as im growing frustrated with promises of a new rom.As I am thinking of switching product manufacturers. But this update could change my mind.
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I just spoke with sprint after 30 minutes on hold. I got a supervisor, he said HTC has released it, but the upgrade is only being done at the sprint stores. He said HTC is supossed to tell people this on their website.
I just spoke with sprint after 30 minutes on hold. I got a supervisor, he said HTC has released it, but the upgrade is only being done at the sprint stores. He said HTC is supossed to tell people this on their website.

thats a lie because they never do updates in the store because thats a waste of their time and that would make them liable if the flash went wrong.
Bro did you record that convo cause thats just cant do that cause...a) if there flashing peoples phone who the hell is gunna sell the phones to customers....b) sprints too lazy to do that

I just spoke with sprint after 30 minutes on hold. I got a supervisor, he said HTC has released it, but the upgrade is only being done at the sprint stores. He said HTC is supossed to tell people this on their website.