[ANNOUNCEMENT] Need webos lead mod


Owner - Staff
hey guys, i just dont have the time and longer on top of what i do here to run the webos section. basically the way that it will be ran is easy if kept on top of. basically what will be asked is that you keep on top of the releases and such and keep the threads here at AMJ updated when new apps, games, tweaks, and releases are done. i wil catch up on the apps and such today at work but i cant continue to keep doing this as said. the easiest way that i have found to keep all of this updated and such is to look at the last date on the releases for the webos section. you will see that they are all updated last on the same day. just take that date and anything that has been updated since than over at
and than take the first post and click quote and copy and paste all the information and replace the old with the new including changelogs. nothing has to be attached to the posts sicne they are done through filecoaster so just make sure that there is a link to the app catalog present in the post since all done thorugh that app. so once again if you are interested in this please post in this thread and me and elboriyorker will have a decision made as soon as we get a couple interested in running this section thanks for taking the time to read through this and hopefully you will be the one to help and make your impact on the AMJ family for time to come.

yep, thanks dash also its not required to be on the board day and night.At least 1 or 2 hours of your time..is good enough..

yuppers thats for sure... if you keep up on it every day you will be looking at about 25 minutes a day or so for the apps and the frontpage news make take only a couple minutes sicne much isnt important. and also be sure to link the applicaton to the original developers page.