New Server


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So we thought ....well i had to revert back to the old one apparently the issues i was facing.Is

#1 i switched from server 2003 to 2008 and that was a no no
#2 The harddrive was getting to hot i mean i can literary cook an egg on it and that too we were facing lag issues.
#3 Cache issue a no no with 2008 different set up on 08 from 03

But over all the server is going back because i believe there's issue with it.
I also want to say that there will be a small issue if anybody they post count is low or the board configs is whacked......because of me switching on different operating system will cause issues.I suggest you clear your cache and web history form your tool panel from your browser.
word elboriyorker and just sent you a text so ignore that lmao... and thats too bad since you described was a pretty cool server :) but oh well for now i guess sicne you win some and you lose some... thanks for the updates and making AMJ what it is :)

damn robbed me of over 7000 posts hahahaha where did they go? lmao (its no biggie though)
word elboriyorker and just sent you a text so ignore that lmao... and thats too bad since you described was a pretty cool server :) but oh well for now i guess sicne you win some and you lose some... thanks for the updates and making AMJ what it is :)

damn robbed me of over 7000 posts hahahaha where did they go? lmao (its no biggie though)

yea i knew that would happen...i lost some that's a vb issue when they use that cache control to make the board smoother but it hurts when stuff like this happens
Ladies and gentleman..I'm running a newest apache software program for windows, I'm doing a test run on it now for the developer at apachelounge.If you notices any kinks,hiccups or any errors please let me know so i can pass it on to them for the bug fix.

It's suppose to be quicker and less resource usages.

Ladies and gentleman..I'm running a newest apache software program for windows, I'm doing a test run on it now for the developer at apachelounge.If you notices any kinks,hiccups or any errors please let me know so i can pass it on to them for the bug fix.

It's suppose to be quicker and less resource usages.


he bro thanks for update ill let you now less resource usages is always good thing

seems to be moving pretty damn snappy to me buddy :) the only thing i hasve noticed was about an hour or so ago from this post time i noticed some lag but you could have been doing something on the site causing that