New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed!

thats ****ed up.. i dont think fedex did that bro..look at how the screen look like he took a small mallet and smashed it once...who knows but that some shit there.
thats ****ed up.. i dont think fedex did that bro..look at how the screen look like he took a small mallet and smashed it once...who knows but that some shit there.

i doubt fed ex did that sicne the box doesnt look to be too damaged and such... i feel that it was a manufacturers defect in the screen and a little bit of pressure on the box maby during shipping decided to make it run... or sprints employees just dont care and send out phones without looking at them hahaha, or that sprint employee was pissed and did it lmao... who knows soooo many different way and i have to agree with you though, looks like there is an impact point on the screen.
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

to be honest i think he did it..not intentionally but then tried to cover it up by making an kind of show sprint that it came that way out of the box..IMO... :lol:
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

to be honest i think he did it..not intentionally but then tried to cover it up by making an kind of show sprint that it came that way out of the box..IMO... :lol:

lol... good opinion
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

to be honest i think he did it..not intentionally but then tried to cover it up by making an kind of show sprint that it came that way out of the box..IMO... :lol:
I felt the same way, it seemed fake. 1st sign, the phone and box had already been opened and was not sealed in any way. 2nd, aside from that, the phone would have been in plastic, and the battery would not have already been inside the phone ready to be turned on either! so the whole thing was shamed. Now I dont know who did what, but that was not the 1st time he opned that box, period.
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

to be honest i think he did it..not intentionally but then tried to cover it up by making an kind of show sprint that it came that way out of the box..IMO... :lol:

I felt the same way, it seemed fake. 1st sign, the phone and box had already been opened and was not sealed in any way. 2nd, aside from that, the phone would have been in plastic, and the battery would not have already been inside the phone ready to be turned on either! so the whole thing was shamed. Now I dont know who did what, but that was not the 1st time he opned that box, period.

well noah from phone dog always has the battery in there first so i trust him on that part but i do feel that he did something and wanted to get another one since the impact point is just to vivid in my opinion.
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

well noah from phone dog always has the battery in there first so i trust him on that part but i do feel that he did something and wanted to get another one since the impact point is just to vivid in my opinion.

I cna understand that theory as well, something def fishy about this one.. who knows
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

i agree with ya both...but idk..something tells me Noah had a boo boo and tried to point fingers at FedEx.. :(...but then again..i dont want to be judgemental....:lol: <<<<<sarcasm.... :D
Yeah how likely is that to happen to the phone. If you look at the box in the beginning you can see in impression of where his finger has been on the box. How many times does the FEDEX person pick up the box is the same place. NOT, that is some bulll shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shut yo mouth. I am not going to say HE DID IT, but I am sure that REDEX did not do it. Also if that was the case why not call them on the phone instead of doing a dang unboxing video. Priorities people Priorities
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

hahaha.... thats funny....... did you see how the screen cover was not even on the phone :)

it was just resting on the screen, plus the box aint even damaged..... to bad fedex wont pay to replace it.. HAHAHA
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

hahaha.... thats funny....... did you see how the screen cover was not even on the phone :)

it was just resting on the screen, plus the box aint even damaged..... to bad fedex wont pay to replace it.. HAHAHA

hahahahah yuppers on the last part, i noticed that the box was fine and mentioned that above to which is what caught my attention first thing.
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

to be honest i think he did it..not intentionally but then tried to cover it up by making an kind of show sprint that it came that way out of the box..IMO... :lol:

smart thinking...if i had a hero and it looked like that i would cry..................
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

The phone was damaged out of the box if you look when he takes it out the holding place for the phone in the box is cardboard and is in top condition. He pointed out that the battery part of the phone had some dents and the phone side was bent. You just have to look at the holding place for the phone in the box and see it is in perfect condition to see it was damaged outside of the box.
Re: New Video: Sprint HTC Hero - Unboxed and Destroyed

The phone was damaged out of the box if you look when he takes it out the holding place for the phone in the box is cardboard and is in top condition. He pointed out that the battery part of the phone had some dents and the phone side was bent. You just have to look at the holding place for the phone in the box and see it is in perfect condition to see it was damaged outside of the box.

hahaha good eye noticed the lack of damage to the box but didnt think about the edges and so being bent,... i wanna know what he did to it to destroy that thing like that.