whas good everybody in the AMJ community, my nickname is Chewy so i chose to use it as a screenname, i'm kinda late but I just bought an HTC pro 2 days ago and looking to trick it out a lil, just upgraded from a moto Q9c Lime and got kinda tired of it after about a year, i really dont do the touch screens for general reasons but i'm just trying something new that was in my budget plan and it might be one of the more descent phones that the phone company I'm with carries....for the most part just stopping by to intro myself feel free to add posts i was on here earlier on my phone but for some reason it runs slow on Opera, then I downloaded the Skyfire joint and its a lil better but as always phones arent actual cpu's so I'm on the laptop now...so without further of due time to see what i can see and just check out the site..."100"