
Welcome to AMJ the place for all your PPC and PC needs. Do recommend to go over tutorials on how to get around Smartphonejunkie(AKA AMJ).Please try use the search bar that will be your best freind for any question you might have..SEarch and read will get u pretty far and remember if youve been help in someway just payback by helping somebody else..Enjoy your stay..peez
glad to have you here, enjoy the site and all it has to offer. take a look at my signature below and you will find many useful links to not only getting started with modding but also using and navigating the site to its fullest. :console:
Hi and lgad to have yoiu here. Welcome aboard I am sure you are going to enjoy your time here. This is the perfect place for all your PPC and PC needs. Hope to see you around the forum. Peace
Re newbie

Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need.
You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!!

Remember to Hit That Thanks Button if Someone Helped You!!!!
Hit that Install Button when you Download!!!
Re newbie

Welcome to AMJ ... here you will find everything you are looking for and more ... take your time getting around the site and make sure you have fun while at it ... see ya around!
Welcome to AMJ, great to have you. Their is a wealth of information here whether it's already been posted or can be pulled out of others. Everyone loves to be involved and assist with various situations, but remember to search 1st, then post. Make sure you can't find it in the vast knowledge already being presented throughout the site. Enjoy.