Opera Mini 42 CAB/OEM for VGA/QVGA



Opera Mini CAB for Windows mobile 5/6/6.1

UPDATED 14-May-2009
Updated to Opera Mini4.2 Buid 13918 (20090303)
New JBed 20090216.5.1

two seperate versions for Hi-Resolution and Low-Resolution screens.
Large fonts for VGA devices
Small fonts for QVGA devices

I created this cab to use in my Himalaya & Diamond I keep this in the ExtROM (SD Card) so that I dont have to re install this every time I hard reset or upgrade my ROM through new builds.
This CAB will install the following software and tweaks: ?
1. Jbed Java-VM (Latest)
2. Opera mini 4.2
3. Signing Opera mini as trusted(So that annoying confirmation prompt to network
connection and to Saving/uploading files is removed.
4. Direct shortcut for opera mini in Start->Programs->Internet.
Shortcut for Jbed under Start->Programs->Accessories
5. Nice opera icon for the shortcut & to be used in the today launchers.

Traditionally to do this all you had to transfer several files and do several taps and clicks on your PPC & PC, but with this you can do them all by just tapping the CAB.

You can add this cab to your Extended ROM or add the files as an OEM to your ROM in cooking, so after each hard reset your favorite browser is available right there. You can simply synchronize the bookmarks in two taps. \&!h5].=

You dont need to install any other JVM, ‹Å“cos this already installs Jbed, the best full screen JVM that also supports soft keys. Try some Nokia s60-v3 games on it‚¦

NOTE: Make a backup of the folder APPDB‚ which may either in your Jbed installation folder. If you wish to remove this application and want to restore the previous apps, simply restore this folder.

Happy Installation‚¦.

If you are already using Jbed and hundreds of other JAVA software too, you may prefer the tweaks but not to loose the other softwares. If thats the case you can follow the steps I have described and apply them and copy the Cab in to your Extended ROM so that it will only take effect after your next reset.

Signing Opera mini As trusted‚¦
One of the only negatives of using Jbed, over Jeodek, used to be that any time an application wanted to access to the Internet, Jbed would ask twice if you want to allow the action. It will also forget this permission next time you ran the application, so you would have to give permission every time you ran a Midlet that tried to access the Internet. Thank GOD, a work around for this annoyance has been found!

1.) Copy the file \windows\appdb\selector.utf to your PC
(make sure backup this file first in case something goes wrong!)
2.) Remove read-only attribute md_
3.) Extract the file sign_operamini.exe‚
from my zip to the same folder and run it.

4.) It will patch the selector.utf and create a backup too. 7
5.) Now replace the selector.utf file in the pocket PC with the patched.
6.) DONE

Making a direct shortcut to Opera Mini (or any other Java Midlet) 

Since Opera Mini is a Java Midlet application, one annoying aspect is that to run Opera Mini, you must first run the Java Midlet, tap on the "Applications" list item, then tap on the "Opera Mini 4 beta" item. Luckily, some users out there have figured out how to create a shortcut that launches Opera Mini (or any other Java app) directly. Assuming you haven't installed any other Java apps, you need to create a shortcut file (e.g., opera.lnk) pointing to

("\windows\jbed.exe -run s0_")

The magic portion is the number after the the letter "s" in the shortcut target. This is the list position of the Java Midlet in the Jbed application list. If you install Jbed as a fresh install and then directly install Opera Mini, just use the number "0" to refer to Opera Mini ("\windows\jbed.exe -run s0_"). If you install another MIDlet (after Opera Mini), its index will become 1, then the next installed Midlet will have an index of 2, and so on. The last installed MIDlet will have the last index

So go to any text editor and create the link, the replace the extention TXT with LNK.
A pre-made shortcut file can be found here.
28#"\windows\jbed.exe" -run

Making a icon for Opera Mini shortcut

I have created a icon dll file to be used as the shortcut icon. Copy Opera_Icon.dll to \windows\appdb\‚ folder and add the following part to the end of your shortcut link. ehU`ho8*


So the link should be like this,

28#"\Windows\jbed.exe" -run s0_?\Windows\Appdb\opera_icon.dll,

I have also attached a .ico file to be used in other launchers

Opera Mini 4 on Windows Mobile as Default Browser

XDA-Devs forum member shlomki has released the hacks in CAB format so that theyre very easy to install. These CABs are for ARM processors and for Pocket PC only (not smartphones). You can try them too..

‚ WM5 OperaMiniAsDefaultBrowser - WithoutSelectionDialog.cab >
‚ WM6 OperaMiniAsDefaultBrowser - WithoutSelectionDialog.cab :
‚ WM6 OperaMiniAsDefaultBrowser - WithSelectionDialog.cab

Using the 'WITH SELECTION DIALOG" cab, you get the dialog box to select either IE or Opera Mini as the browser to open the link each time you click on a link in a email, contact or in the messenger.

grtz weesje
moderator@AMJ hit thanks on the way out


