lmao This is like a Comedy Show lol
lol looks like this has slown down a bit .....dash how were those nachos bro?????
awesome bro like an orgasim in my mouth.
lmaooooo why are those halo characters humping eachother too funny bro
lol no clue dont play halo myself..... but your right that is a quality moment.... :shablon_02:
I dont play halo or xbox I hate them both....ps3 fan and owner
nice i own the 360 modded to play burned games and the ps3 modded to play burn games as well..... did both myself and work perfectly.
I wanted to do that to my ps3 but I was unsure... Are you burning those ps3 games in blu ray format? B.c if not dont u lose the HD capabilities, Ihave a 42 inch LCD 1080p tv and I dont wanna loose that lol
lol for sure i am i get the discs from tigersdirect and they work like a dream... all you need to do is follow the pictures and than know how to solder good and you will be golden.... lol i bet im getting people on here saying golden in everyday talks lol
I know how to solder, my most used tool is a soldering tool lol...before I got the capacitor for my subs in my whip da goddamn fuse kept blowing when we had that heat wave here in da summer, but i bought 2 capacitors and a breaker so i tossed the damn solder....how did u learn? show me where and yea u do have me saying golden too its a cool word lmaoooo
ive been modding systems since the original playstation and learned all by myself on how to do just like the ppc.... best way to do it if you ask me...
I learn things by doin it hand on also but i cant just open a $600 system and take it apart and not know what im really doing lol...is there a site with pics and instructions?
not sure myself but there has to be one out there on google..... they all look the same to me now since i know the exact chipset that im looking for.
1. where do u get the games from?u rent from blockbuster?
2. and what program do u use to rip those games into blu ray format?
3. do u burn blu ray movies also
Looks like ill be looing int getting a laptop with a blu ray burner lol
1. naw i download from the net... usually megashares and than its done and all converted to an image file for you.....
2. i use the newest version of clonecd
3. yes i do the same way as mentioned in #2 and would be a great investment.