OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

This year is flying by, the first preseason game i think is monday or tuesday.....god I love it when it turns into the fall and football season....so I read that favre is staying retired.....he was one of my favorite qb's............

LOL I think he made the right choice in doing that he was getting to old to be playing , I mean he did ok with Jet's but i think his time is up...

yeah... the sport need more girls like you to be involved I think, doesn't have to be a sausage fest ya know. Would be sweet is thy had a WNFL, haha.. kinda like the WNBA... a bunch of muddy girls in shoulder pads... now that would be sweet!

word on favre being one of the greatest and having tlpalmer loving sports especially football which is bad ass :) but why a wnfl that sounds stupid. let me get with my buddy nad good friend vince mcmahon who owned the xfl and tell him smae rules (wwe rules hahaha) and name it the wxfl and have the chics duke it out :) now that would even be sexier :)
i think they actually had some sort of female league but i like watching the nfl, i like college football too and if its on ill watch it..especially the big 10 schools..go blue..(wolverines)...
word on favre being one of the greatest and having tlpalmer loving sports especially football which is bad ass :) but why a wnfl that sounds stupid. let me get with my buddy nad good friend vince mcmahon who owned the xfl and tell him smae rules (wwe rules hahaha) and name it the wxfl and have the chics duke it out :) now that would even be sexier :)

ahahahahaha that would be too funny!!!

plus i have to stop opening all new posts in new tabs, i'm starting to confuse myself.
whats the most you would pay for a mogul???

i know you can call insurance to get touch pro... but dude came into my store and mentioned that he wanted to upgrade his mogul to a blackberry... doesn't know about AMJ lol... but then i mentioned that i would buy his phone and he said well he would check into it and i told him i was just gonna use his phone as a test phone so if anything happened to it i would throw it away... yeah right!!!... so my ??? is how much would you pay for the mogul??? i wanna see how much he would drop it to... but he started at 100 but i think that's bull.. wat is a good price??
my cat in the night knocked my remote control to the tv off my desk into the water bowl, i woke up and seen it and thought "well there is something u dont see everyday"...i dried it out and just the top few layers dont work but channel change and sound does....
i saw this wierd app to use the phone as a tv remote control... or was that for the comp??.. idk.. well come on down to my radioshack in San jose, ca.. i'll get you a fat discound..lol.... as a matter of fact... keep this on a hush.. send me a pm i will give you my discount number and stuff..
whats the most you would pay for a mogul???

i know you can call insurance to get touch pro... but dude came into my store and mentioned that he wanted to upgrade his mogul to a blackberry... doesn't know about AMJ lol... but then i mentioned that i would buy his phone and he said well he would check into it and i told him i was just gonna use his phone as a test phone so if anything happened to it i would throw it away... yeah right!!!... so my ??? is how much would you pay for the mogul??? i wanna see how much he would drop it to... but he started at 100 but i think that's bull.. wat is a good price??

i wouldnt pay more than 60 for it mint/.
lets keep this going guys!! we dont want to let ppcgeeks get ahead of us in this since they just started.... last i checked they were almost at 500 posts already! lets go and keep this pace picked up
wow...this thread is really nothing. another forum I'm a part of with about the same amount of active members has a thread like this where you just have all your random conversations. It was started in late 2008 (year after this) and its got 25, 033 posts. :lol:
wow...this thread is really nothing. another forum I'm a part of with about the same amount of active members has a thread like this where you just have all your random conversations. It was started in late 2008 (year after this) and its got 25, 033 posts. :lol:

That is how this one should be already maybe even bigger but people forget about it so it will go days with no posts haha.... But has done better over the last month i would say!!!!
That is how this one should be already maybe even bigger but people forget about it so it will go days with no posts haha.... But has done better over the last month i would say!!!!

thats for sure but i would love to see more members joining in on this... we have some but not many different ones that are having fun with this thread.. owell i tihnk it is fun to read through this when bored and see how random and hilarious the conversations that go on are lmao
thats for sure but i would love to see more members joining in on this... we have some but not many different ones that are having fun with this thread.. owell i tihnk it is fun to read through this when bored and see how random and hilarious the conversations that go on are lmao

Seems like there is only about 10 people that post here regularly if we could get that up 50 or more people this thread would have an insane post count in no time at all......
Here's my contribution:

I just saw GI Joe. Having grew up watching the original series in the 80's, with one show each week, I have to say I grew disillusioned, cause how many times can you shoot down a jet and the pilot, JUST eject in time to parachute to safety? I mean come on!!!!! Cobra wasted billions just on parachutes alone‚¦‚¦..man, no wonder Cobra Commander was so pissed.....

Anyway the movie had the cheesy Go Joe‚ feel from the 80s, but overall I liked it. The girls were hot, it had action, explosions, fights, and my fav ninjas. Although, if you followed the comics and Snake Eyes origins, he was injured and couldnt speak and he face was disfigured, he never took a vow of silence. Maybe, Ill post the comics. And dont get me started on Storm Shadow. But its Hollywood drama.
Went to a flea market for the first time today, this one to be exact. Absolutely nothing to buy.. all these used utensils, keychain and bah bah bah... I was hoping to find a $10 Nokia 8800 :or some PPC!! :(