Ok so I can't go all into everything as I'm told to not say anything about the Pre until launch. However, I thought I would give you a sneak peak at the new Palm Pre that will be released on June 6th, 2009. Very nice phone btw. Strike 1 for me is not winmo, strike 2 is keyboard (don't care for any of Palm keyboards actually), strike 3..not winmo! Don't let that take away from the fact that this phone has a lot of things that has not been featured on any phones or pda's prior to the Pre. Palm really stepped it up on this one, with the new web os totally built from scratch. The os on this device is called web os for reason. Everyhting it does is integrated through the web giving you a whole new experience with brand new technology and is a very unique device in many ways. I can't go into full detail until 6th, so I will do my best to give my honest opinion even though it may not be the phone of my choice. The screen resolution on this phone is sick! Sprint TV looks like HD for real. Nice sleek finish with excellent screen res and unique features make this a very sexy phone in my opinion. Def a game changer in many ways. They really directed this thing right at the Iphone and with attitude. I\When I tell you that this phones OS is a mix between the iphone and android os I mean exactly that! Period. Might I add that they really made it easy to totally customize all of the menus etc to best fit your need which I happen to like. Sorry if too many pics, let me know and I will remove ok
Anyway, here's a few pics of it, enjoy.