

Can anyone tell me where to download the full version?

I tried searching this forum multiple times for "pdanet" and it doesn't show up any results. If it's on this forum, please send me a link.

Thank you
u can download the full version here do a local search for pdanet venum posted it it id here
but heres the link anyway next tim do a local search not a normal one

i realize the forum owner is trying to pay bills with the site, but if the other search was turned off you wouldnt have to explain the local search everytime. (just an idea)

PS if some poeple would clean up their sigs it would make the pages look alot cleaner.
(sorry for the rant, but the pages are about 3x as long as they should be because some peoples sigs are so long....... its just a bit of a peeve

PSS im using PDAnet right now and this is one of the main reasons i stay with sprint.... this works awesome and its super fast!
i realize the forum owner is trying to pay bills with the site, but if the other search was turned off you wouldnt have to explain the local search everytime. (just an idea)

PS if some poeple would clean up their sigs it would make the pages look alot cleaner.
(sorry for the rant, but the pages are about 3x as long as they should be because some peoples sigs are so long....... its just a bit of a peeve

PSS im using PDAnet right now and this is one of the main reasons i stay with sprint.... this works awesome and its super fast!

we have a predefined space for the sig that it can take up and as of right now everyone is under the limit that we allow for space and size. and ofr the search i kno i have noticed that also will have to talk to elboriyorker about that. and glad to hear that you like pdanet it is a great program even though i have only used it once when my router went down.
Re: PdaNet HELP!!! ATTN!!

I downloaded the PDAnet from here the free ware verision that is susposed to be registered, it has been working fine for about 2 weeks then when i signed in today on it, it said the user name and password was no longer valid becuase of privacy issues, or whatever i'm assumning that PDAnet found out it was a cracked version. But it forces you to register every 5 min or so then it log's you off and won't let you back on. Wondering if there is any fix or anyway to crack a new registered verision!

Thanks Will
huh i have never heard of that happening to anyone else and tigerz was on it a couple nights ago with no problems... i dont use the app much but i would have heard of this if it was happening to people.... so try to soft reset and see what that does or you can also try to uninstall and reinstall the program and see if that fixed the problem...
kk i sorta just told dash answer in the pdanet thread but to confirm i use this my self alot hen in the car and when power goes out or when those dam hotel try to charge you 300 buck a minute lolz but yae go ahead and try the uninstal and reinstall and soft reset because i know that me and venum use this program alot and it works without a charm so let us know how it goes
Yes, my pdanet did the same yesterday, wanted me to sign up for the full version after about two weeks. I simply uninstalled and re-installed and alls good. I also use it everyday on my laptop while in the car. Just wondering if Tigerz and Venom have had to do the same yet?
i downloaded it from AMJ the one that venum got cracked for us and its awesome ive had had it for a little over a month now works great and glad you got it working, see you soon
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nope i havent i downloaded it from the site the one that venum got cracked for us and its awesome ive had had it for a little over a month now works great and glad you got it working, see you soon

yo rigerz post up the version that you guyz have on here when you get a chance and all. just update the link in the original post with your original copy or make a new thread. Thanks bro.
What's up AMJ i got da pdaNet on my labtop it there away i can use it to use 4 my ps3 since this da only internet i had in my house right now?
What's up AMJ i got da pdaNet on my labtop it there away i can use it to use 4 my ps3 since this da only internet i had in my house right now?

not sure give it a shot an see what it does for you. havent heard of anyone doing this before but give it a shot and tell us if it works for you. :brig:
kk dash i am using the one that venum gave us and posted on the site i downloaded it straight from AMJ so just local search and it comes precracked
Well it's been 15 days and the messages comes up ---Trial is up and wants me to register every 2 mins. So I un- and re- install and its all good again.
It is Venum's cracked version and the second time since download.
To me no big deal, only takes a couple mins. and your Right as Rain again!
Just a heads-up if anyone else has this problem cause I use it everyday and Love It !!! Just make sure you call Sprint and tell them you are using your phone also as a modem and should only cost $15.00 a month....as does mine !
What's up AMJ i got da pdaNet on my labtop it there away i can use it to use 4 my ps3 since this da only internet i had in my house right now?

This is a bit harder than a yes or no question. You cannot install pdanet on your ps3, no; however there is a way to get the internet from your computer onto your ps3. It is pretty complicated and should only be done as a last resort, but if you want to know how read on. If your ps3 is close enough to your computer you can run a cat5 (ethernet) cable from one ethernet port to the other. After this you can enable internet sharing on your pc and share your internet (there are a number of tutorials for this just search google) after you do that, just set your ps3's network settings to automatic and it should be able to run off your computers internet, as of right now (pre-rev a) you will probably get pings of 100 - 500 depending on how far you are from a true EVDO zone. I play call of duty 4 and get a ping of 110 on average. It's decent when the internet goes out. Hope this helps.
also for you you mogul users out there you can now get rev a by searching the site for the rev a rom that dash put up