Phone as modem


I have an HTC Touch along with a Power Vision Access Pack for unlimited web. What I'm wondering is, Would it be possible to somehow hook my laptop to my phone so that I can browse the web on the laptop. I'm hoping it will be possible to do without paying anything extra to sprint or without having some special plan. If it can be done what do I need to do to get it up and running? Thanx.
Thanx so much I got it working. Just curious though. Is their anyway Sprint is gonna find out I'm doing this and hit me with some huge bill?
I have the Touch and I was having problems using my phone as a modem until i lucked up on something... A friend of mine has the touch but through alltel and they don't limit the Phone as Modem option. So he pluged his phone into my laptop and it was working with no problem. So in the mist of that we unpluged his phone started the file sharing app on my phone and it took off surfing. I flashed it with the new alltel rom 3.37, and I was surfing faster than my dsl through my HTC Touch. But for some reason it stopped working and I won't see him for a couple of days. Can anyone explain or have a solution other than what was mentioned ealier.
ive always used indernet sharg in my mogul and still havent had a change in my bill.. sweet!! but im switching to pdanet just to be sure
ive always used indernet sharg in my mogul and still havent had a change in my bill.. sweet!! but im switching to pdanet just to be sure

i use wmwifirouter myself and love the speeds i never will touch pdanet again...... jsut my personal opinion.
I called them and set tethering up on my plan for 39.99/month and the tech told me that they are noow looking ffor illeagal usage of the smartphone tethering. One way they can ffind out is the type of browser that is being used. They know that IE8 is not used by your phone you feel me. I just didn't want the hassle since I was using the tethering alot anyway. I hope this helps. One thing I can say though, i used The Old Man Jenkins Rom for my touch and it is the bomb far as speed. Hold on let me show you a test:
This is with the firewall running:

It gets faster without the firewall running...

Thanx so much I got it working. Just curious though. Is their anyway Sprint is gonna find out I'm doing this and hit me with some huge bill?