What Version of Resco are you using? Mine is 7.05 i dont think that matters though.
The limits of being able to type it out isnt the only thing thats weird. My Folder tree goes like this
When I click Network in Resco and then click MapDrive, I will see a tree of all my folders im sharing. Which is F, Completed, Graboid, Public. If I click to network Completed the path should automatically change to
\\TEK-PC\F\graboid\completed.. But it doesnt. it automatically changes to \\TEK-PC\Completed
Even Resco itssellf wont autocomplete the path longer then it should.
This is so weird. if I MAP just the F drive and dont do subfolders I can see the folders in my F drive. So if I click MAP drive and I just click F Resco will automatically change it to \\TEK-PC\F and I can see the 3 folders on my Drive. Xbox, Maxtor Back up, and Graboid. If I click Properties it shows 843gb used out of 944. BUt it says 0 files.
Then I thought to myself. Since those three folders show up in the Root of F, what if I just movie my movies to the Root of F. So I did that. I moved the Movie Knocked Up out of F\graboid\completed and stuck it in the root.
F\Knocked up. So I use Resco to check it now. And sure enough I see 4 Folders in my Root now.
Xbox, Maxtor Backup, Graboid and now Knocked up. I thought Awesome!!! I can set Graboid to just download movies right into the root of my F drive and problem solved. I clicked on the knocked up Folder to open it.
AND THERES NOTHING IN THERE!! I doulbe checked on my laptop and sure enough the .avi is in there but Resco wont show anything in the folder just like all the others.
So I thought okay let me try one more thing. I moved the avi file itself out of the folder and into the Root of F
Sure enough now it shows the movie, I clicked on it to play it with Coreplayer and I get this error
File not found!
\Network\F\ on TEK-PC\knockedup.avi
WHAT!! How can it not be found? Im looking right at it!! I been at this for a day messing with it as much as i can. As far as I can see Im not doing anything wrong.
On the UP side.. Resco will view all the files on my laptop. The ones on my C drive in the Public Folder.
I tried playing a movie that way. and it does work. But there isnt any room on my C drive.
CorePlayer will pause for just a split second like every 10 or 15 seconds of play time. I know theres a million settings in CorePlayer. Is there anything I can adjust to smooth out the playing so there isnt any constant pausing?
Wow things were so much easier when winamp.orb.com was working lol
I still wish I knew why all the sudden I had problems with it once I Hard reset my phone.
--------- New Post Merged on 16/10/2009 at 12:14:21 --------
No i didnt fix the problem with resco seeing movies in the f drive, but as i said it did play movies on my c drive.
but the pausing for a split second every few seconds was getting annoying.
I tried Video Pref, and messed with everything. Selecting Raw frame buffer, direct draw, Qtv. Dither on/off. Im not even sure what dither does. But nothing helped. I was going to try messing with the audio next till I saw
buffering on the list.
I checked the box "Low delay Streaming" and I checked the box "Microdrive mode"
Now the video will play smooth as hell for like 10min, it will stop and buffer for 26seconds. I actually counted. But then it will resume play with out a hiccup for another 10min. I would rather it stop for 20sec and play smooth for along time than have it pause for a split sec every 5 seconds.
Im not sure what good setting are for
Buffer size
Preload underun
Prload audio
And im not sure what a good setting would be for Microdrive buffer size and microdrive starts at
RIght now its all default. I assume making the buffer more then 512kb would be better. But im not sure.And i have no idea what microdrive even is.
Sorry for the long book i wrote lol. But i wanted to be detailed.
I guess if theres no other ideas for Resco I can simply move movies on and offf my C drive. Its better then nothing.
And Coreplayer im fine with a pause every 10min. But if theres anyway I can adjust the buffer setting to make that even better that would be great.
Thank you FORTY!! Without your help I would of never known Resco had that ability.
The limits of being able to type it out isnt the only thing thats weird. My Folder tree goes like this
When I click Network in Resco and then click MapDrive, I will see a tree of all my folders im sharing. Which is F, Completed, Graboid, Public. If I click to network Completed the path should automatically change to
\\TEK-PC\F\graboid\completed.. But it doesnt. it automatically changes to \\TEK-PC\Completed
Even Resco itssellf wont autocomplete the path longer then it should.
This is so weird. if I MAP just the F drive and dont do subfolders I can see the folders in my F drive. So if I click MAP drive and I just click F Resco will automatically change it to \\TEK-PC\F and I can see the 3 folders on my Drive. Xbox, Maxtor Back up, and Graboid. If I click Properties it shows 843gb used out of 944. BUt it says 0 files.
Then I thought to myself. Since those three folders show up in the Root of F, what if I just movie my movies to the Root of F. So I did that. I moved the Movie Knocked Up out of F\graboid\completed and stuck it in the root.
F\Knocked up. So I use Resco to check it now. And sure enough I see 4 Folders in my Root now.
Xbox, Maxtor Backup, Graboid and now Knocked up. I thought Awesome!!! I can set Graboid to just download movies right into the root of my F drive and problem solved. I clicked on the knocked up Folder to open it.
AND THERES NOTHING IN THERE!! I doulbe checked on my laptop and sure enough the .avi is in there but Resco wont show anything in the folder just like all the others.
So I thought okay let me try one more thing. I moved the avi file itself out of the folder and into the Root of F
Sure enough now it shows the movie, I clicked on it to play it with Coreplayer and I get this error
File not found!
\Network\F\ on TEK-PC\knockedup.avi
WHAT!! How can it not be found? Im looking right at it!! I been at this for a day messing with it as much as i can. As far as I can see Im not doing anything wrong.
On the UP side.. Resco will view all the files on my laptop. The ones on my C drive in the Public Folder.
I tried playing a movie that way. and it does work. But there isnt any room on my C drive.
CorePlayer will pause for just a split second like every 10 or 15 seconds of play time. I know theres a million settings in CorePlayer. Is there anything I can adjust to smooth out the playing so there isnt any constant pausing?
Wow things were so much easier when winamp.orb.com was working lol
I still wish I knew why all the sudden I had problems with it once I Hard reset my phone.
--------- New Post Merged on 16/10/2009 at 12:14:21 --------
No i didnt fix the problem with resco seeing movies in the f drive, but as i said it did play movies on my c drive.
but the pausing for a split second every few seconds was getting annoying.
I tried Video Pref, and messed with everything. Selecting Raw frame buffer, direct draw, Qtv. Dither on/off. Im not even sure what dither does. But nothing helped. I was going to try messing with the audio next till I saw
buffering on the list.
I checked the box "Low delay Streaming" and I checked the box "Microdrive mode"
Now the video will play smooth as hell for like 10min, it will stop and buffer for 26seconds. I actually counted. But then it will resume play with out a hiccup for another 10min. I would rather it stop for 20sec and play smooth for along time than have it pause for a split sec every 5 seconds.
Im not sure what good setting are for
Buffer size
Preload underun
Prload audio
And im not sure what a good setting would be for Microdrive buffer size and microdrive starts at
RIght now its all default. I assume making the buffer more then 512kb would be better. But im not sure.And i have no idea what microdrive even is.
Sorry for the long book i wrote lol. But i wanted to be detailed.
I guess if theres no other ideas for Resco I can simply move movies on and offf my C drive. Its better then nothing.
And Coreplayer im fine with a pause every 10min. But if theres anyway I can adjust the buffer setting to make that even better that would be great.
Thank you FORTY!! Without your help I would of never known Resco had that ability.