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Thread Owner
: sracercelica
Pocketnester V 0.7
Here is a great emulator for NES games. Works well with WM 05 and up (that I have tested).
Unzip then transfer the file (pocketnester.exe) to your phone on the device memory.
You must have this saved in the device and any ROM's in a memory card. Otherwise I wont see them.
Go to options and set these settings:
Associate .nes files with nester (clicked)
auto-frame skip (selected)
Thread priority (normal)
Show more than 8 sprites per line (selected)
ALL OTHER BOXES IN THIS MENU NOT SELECTED - dont remember what is selected by default but either way that should be THE ONLY BOX SELECTED ****make sure the box "GAPI" is NOT selected*****
I didnt mess with sound menu
controllers: you can select whatever you want
i have: Up (w) down (s) left (a) right (d) start (space bar) select (enter)
select: relative to rom dir. on both boxes
try those settings
Here is a great emulator for NES games. Works well with WM 05 and up (that I have tested).
Unzip then transfer the file (pocketnester.exe) to your phone on the device memory.
You must have this saved in the device and any ROM's in a memory card. Otherwise I wont see them.
Go to options and set these settings:
Associate .nes files with nester (clicked)
auto-frame skip (selected)
Thread priority (normal)
Show more than 8 sprites per line (selected)
ALL OTHER BOXES IN THIS MENU NOT SELECTED - dont remember what is selected by default but either way that should be THE ONLY BOX SELECTED ****make sure the box "GAPI" is NOT selected*****
I didnt mess with sound menu
controllers: you can select whatever you want
i have: Up (w) down (s) left (a) right (d) start (space bar) select (enter)
select: relative to rom dir. on both boxes
try those settings
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