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PPC-6800 need to flash for Metro PCS



I need to flash my htc mogul to work on Metro PCS. I have flashed other phones before, and setup mmx and sms...ect.. I just need info if this can be done, and where to find the files and tools to do it.



--------- New Post Merged on 17/10/2008 at 11:52:57 --------

I just found all the tool needed to do this. Including CDMA WORKSHOP and others.. so bascily I need intructions....THANKS
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I need to flash my htc mogul to work on Metro PCS. I have flashed other phones before, and setup mmx and sms...ect.. I just need info if this can be done, and where to find the files and tools to do it.



--------- New Post Merged on 17/10/2008 at 11:52:57 --------

I just found all the tool needed to do this. Including CDMA WORKSHOP and others.. so bascily I need intructions....THANKS

look at my signature below.
His sig link on how to flash roms takes you to a step by step tut. I just clicked in his sig link abd there is nothing wrong all it does it take you to the thread that you need to read
His sig link on how to flash roms takes you to a step by step tut. I just clicked in his sig link abd there is nothing wrong all it does it take you to the thread that you need to read

if you dont see a big yeallow animated picture than you need to go to your options from quick links and set it up so you can see signatures.
Ok guys I know this is just going to sound rapetitave as hell but can someone please help me out with a clear explination as to how I can flash my Htc Touch from Alltel to work fully functionaly on Metro's service not only talk and messages but internet and picture messaging. I would also appreciate it if someone could tell me where to download the programs and files I would need to do so. Thankyou.
Ok guys I know this is just going to sound rapetitave as hell but can someone please help me out with a clear explination as to how I can flash my Htc Touch from Alltel to work fully functionaly on Metro's service not only talk and messages but internet and picture messaging. I would also appreciate it if someone could tell me where to download the programs and files I would need to do so. Thankyou.
this has been discussed many times...please use the search or you can find in the noob guide how to flash roms..again please use the search b4 posting in the future.
I have many files for the 6800, including how to flash it to metro on my page...

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I need to flash my htc mogul to work on Metro PCS. I have flashed other phones before, and setup mmx and sms...ect.. I just need info if this can be done, and where to find the files and tools to do it.



--------- New Post Merged on 17/10/2008 at 11:52:57 --------

I just found all the tool needed to do this. Including CDMA WORKSHOP and others.. so bascily I need intructions....THANKS
Dude seriously...

Jus take it into any metroPCS Store that offers flashing now, tell them to update their Houndini(spelling) and then tell them to look at the page for PPC-6800... It's now supported by Houdini to be flashed, so if it's supported they can not tell you they can't or won't flash it...

Only thing then is you'd have to setup internet and mms settings on you... How to coming soon in same board from taken from HowardForums..
I just wanted to thank you all for your help. I have flashed my Sprint MOGUL - HTC 6800 to METRO PCS..

I Unlocked it and replaced the original rom with custom rom. Then took to METRO PCS and they flashed to Metro PCS for $47. They also gave me one month free. COOL

Thanks all
I just wanted to thank you all for your help. I have flashed my Sprint MOGUL - HTC 6800 to METRO PCS..

I Unlocked it and replaced the original rom with custom rom. Then took to METRO PCS and they flashed to Metro PCS for $47. They also gave me one month free. COOL

Thanks all
I just wanted to thank you all for your help. I have flashed my Sprint MOGUL - HTC 6800 to METRO PCS..

I Unlocked it and replaced the original rom with custom rom. Then took to METRO PCS and they flashed to Metro PCS for $47. They also gave me one month free. COOL

Thanks all

no troubles glad that it all worked out for you :) now enjoy your device on metropcs service :male-fighter1: