PPC App Request


im not sure who did that but it has been requested and still not released by someone but will be up as soon as it is.

No sure if it's been requested but I'd like to see the new version of slingplayer mobile. I belive it's v1.6. Supposedly it's way better than the last version in terms of audio and streaming video without the stutter.

slingplayer is a tricky one to get cracked and the past versions of the cracked app werent succesful and didnt work very often. this is one of those apps that you would have to purchase actually.
I downloaded the last version which was cracked from this site and it works just fine to this day. I'll purchase the new one if this one will be that much of a headache to crack. thanks
I downloaded the last version which was cracked from this site and it works just fine to this day. I'll purchase the new one if this one will be that much of a headache to crack. thanks

i didnt want to come off as a dick but i heard mixed reactions on the last one even though it was the same file. if you give me a lil more time i will be able to get a cracked version when things slow down so you dotn have to drop da bonez on it.
i didnt want to come off as a dick but i heard mixed reactions on the last one even though it was the same file. if you give me a lil more time i will be able to get a cracked version when things slow down so you dotn have to drop da bonez on it.

ok cool. whenever you get around to it. thanks in advance
can any one get iFitOne found it on handango wanna know if any one could crack
Please post a developers link as instructed throughout this entire THREAD! Handangos has many product. Once the link is posted... We will work on it asap. Thanks!
lol i didn't even request it...there was a request for it on the page before and BiG JeW asked for a link to the developers and i got it for the guy...just clearing that up
Ok.. it was a mix up...in tha thread that we discussed ealier, if you could quote the person you were getting for that would helped the confusion. Thanks for the help!
I'm looking for handy weather keygen.I have version 3.0, so if you could do 5.0 cracked that would be awsome.
As posted throughout this thread PLEASE PROVIDE A LINK TO THE DEVELOPERS PAGE! We will not search for the app if we do not have a link.. Please provide a link
Thanks... Someone will get this knocked out for you.. Please be patient as we will not forget you!!

huh damn cant seem to find handyweather 5.0 but we do have many other apps here on the board for weather such as fizz selboriyorker etc etc.
Is there a app that will help me spy on my chick's phone from my mogul . something real 007. lol. Any apps will do.