PPC App Request

Dude seriously....

In the world today the people with the power, knowledge and ability to do things outside of even the most advanced tech heads skill set don't share their gifts, they horde them. comfortable in their superiority in such matters. When lucky enough to find not just one but many people who will volunteer their time and skill to do things the average person could not dream of doing you would think the least people could do would be to show enough respect to read the freaking directions! My god, I see all day not doing what is asked of them then telling the top guys here to "be nicer" "don't be so rude" how bout people just realize we are beggers not choosers, follow directions and be happy that this place exists...

Sorry d/\sh I know this isn't the rants thread but christ almighty it seems every time I look down at my mogul there is a new email from a new post in this thread and 60% aren't complying with what is asked!
Dude seriously....

In the world today the people with the power, knowledge and ability to do things outside of even the most advanced tech heads skill set don't share their gifts, they horde them. comfortable in their superiority in such matters. When lucky enough to find not just one but many people who will volunteer their time and skill to do things the average person could not dream of doing you would think the least people could do would be to show enough respect to read the freaking directions! My god, I see all day not doing what is asked of them then telling the top guys here to "be nicer" "don't be so rude" how bout people just realize we are beggers not choosers, follow directions and be happy that this place exists...

Sorry d/\sh I know this isn't the rants thread but christ almighty it seems every time I look down at my mogul there is a new email from a new post in this thread and 60% aren't complying with what is asked!

i agree
the link desnt work

my fault on the badd link basically the only place to get pocketsnow is @ handango when you opp 2 buy says psnow cant be purchased and when u go to the developers site thats down to so i was just wondering if u may have come across a similar app thank u
my fault on the badd link basically the only place to get pocketsnow is @ handango when you opp 2 buy says psnow cant be purchased and when u go to the developers site thats down to so i was just wondering if u may have come across a similar app thank u

right but as i asked you already so i can help you what does the app do!!!!!!
no there isnt because it is against the laws and please refer to the rules fpr posting requests.
1. this isnt is there an app that does this thread
2. link must be provided to the developer site.


Oh, mybad.

but how do i find that thread then.

and i dnt think its illegal, a couple of the motorola phones do it for at&t.

heres a program. (i think) I just googled it.


also direct my to that thread, got alot of other questions.

Does anyone know of any utilities to move the Start button to the bottom of the screen like on a PC...?

Please post in corret areas... this isnt a request more like a question! PLease use the help desk area! You find it at the left center of your screen un the side menu bar! WaRned!
Here is where all PPC apps will be requested. Due to the rarity and price of certain programs some request will be placed in the Vip members area.
Hi Dash -- I would really like a non-trial version of Zagat To Go v6.0. Information about it can be found at http://mobile.zagat.com/index.php. Thanks!

BTW, where do I check the progress or failure of this request (understandably, a cracked version might simply not be available... )?
Hi Dash -- I would really like a non-trial version of Zagat To Go v6.0. Information about it can be found at http://mobile.zagat.com/index.php. Thanks!

BTW, where do I check the progress or failure of this request (understandably, a cracked version might simply not be available... )?

since 6.0 was released not too long ago give it a lil time like another week or so..... than i will post it up and that how you will find.. got it wrote down in my to do book so i wont forget to keep looking.
since 6.0 was released not too long ago give it a lil time like another week or so..... than i will post it up and that how you will find.. got it wrote down in my to do book so i wont forget to keep looking.
I appreciate it. Thanks, Dash. It would make a great addition to your offerings, too! :-)