PPC App Request

looked for this and as all games from this site for the most part they pre--registered and you get the full version exe file sen to through email once you purchase. and many people dont share them.... i will continue to look though and in the future please be sure you post in the games request area not the app request area.

Aight, my bad .
lookin for today agenda full version, not trial. did the search, but maybe i missed it.
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lookin for today agenda full version, not trial. did the search, but maybe i missed it.

first of all we have it and second for requests you have to provide a link from now on without a link i will ignore your request this si ridiculous it has been said prolly work 10 pages of this thread!!!!!!!! heres the link to today agenda please search in the future it was the first on the list when i searched today agenda. https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/showthread.php?t=25211&highlight=today+agenda
Im looking for Animated today 4.0 the full works not the trial!
First, I would like to say THANK YOU!!!!! ..... I would like to know how I can take a specific area out of a song and make it a ringer. I have tried ringo and I have heard about software you can buy, but is there any other way to make personal ringers. I am sorry if this well known info and I am wasting your time. Either way....THANK YOU!!!!!

OOPS! I am still new too this... I did not mean to reply.......I was trying to ask my own question.
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First, I would like to say THANK YOU!!!!! ..... I would like to know how I can take a specific area out of a song and make it a ringer. I have tried ringo and I have heard about software you can buy, but is there any other way to make personal ringers. I am sorry if this well known info and I am wasting your time. Either way....THANK YOU!!!!!

OOPS! I am still new too this... I did not mean to reply.......I was trying to ask my own question.

I am also looking for an text messaging application that responds to calls. Dare I type palm... (I had to use it because I work at sprint)....Anyway, the palm centro allows you to answer a call, ignore a call (silence), or ignore with text. I am sure you are familar with this feature.
I also work as a real estate appraiser. I really valued that feature because it allowed me to speak face to face with a client and reply to clients immediatelly, without being rude to the person standing in front of me.
Any help would be appreciated! THANK YOU for this site and your time!
I am also looking for an text messaging application that responds to calls. Dare I type palm... (I had to use it because I work at sprint)....Anyway, the palm centro allows you to answer a call, ignore a call (silence), or ignore with text. I am sure you are familar with this feature.
I also work as a real estate appraiser. I really valued that feature because it allowed me to speak face to face with a client and reply to clients immediatelly, without being rude to the person standing in front of me.
Any help would be appreciated! THANK YOU for this site and your time!

this is a request thread not is there........... please provide a link to the developers site like the rules state,
I want makayama pocket live tv v1.2 i cant post links yet though its on the makayama website i used the search and all i found was v1 i need v1.2 thanks in advance
I want makayama pocket live tv v1.2 i cant post links yet though its on the makayama website i used the search and all i found was v1 i need v1.2 thanks in advance

and your not gonna get it with 4 or 5 posts in a row simmer down and i will see what i can do when i get out of work.