Over on XDA there is absolutly tons of people having problems with the last 2 updates and the custom themes they are trying to figure out what they changed thats crashing touchflow and the themes... but know luck yet. As for running custom roms with touchflow cooked in I would say there is no cure yet... as there are no reports of anyone running a custom rom that has been able to change themes without issues, you may get away with one of the themes that only changes the colors but nothing else but I still have my douts, the problem is when cooked into a rom the operating system protects those files so the cant be overwritten even if it looks like they do the first reset you will have problems the only way I have seen around it... that may work... and its not practical at all is to go into your windows folder and rename all 200 some odd graphic files to thefilename.old then upload the new skin.<ya prolly nobody going to do that one... lol This is one issue of touchflow being a beta still until they get everything sorted there will be issues like this. I would still suggest useing a rom without touchflow built in and the install version I posted. When they are on the Final working realese of touchflow I will go back and rework my skins to work on everything, the only reason for these big issues on the latest build is they added tons of stuff to make them work on non htc devices. Since I have a HTC device I see no need to upgrade the install yet as everything works flawlessly for me on the sept 13th build. If it aint broke.... well you feel me.