PROBEX-Alienware S2U2


Shizzile on the WIzzel
Ok I think its done... well as done as I'm doin it lol The today theme is also comming along but so many people use different mods on thier phones Im considering changing the layout I did so it can be used with more then the normal today screen layout... or maybe I will just do 2 versions of the .tsk when I get it done. Anywhoooo enjoy it and smoke em if ya got em.

Attachments people stop trying to load the WIP picture... instead of this lol .....

This is what you need to load right here download it.
Ok, I feel like a total noob. Can someone please tell me how to apply this theme? Can't figure it out for the life of me.
Ok, I feel like a total noob. Can someone please tell me how to apply this theme? Can't figure it out for the life of me.

hi this WIL NOT WORK is for qvga your tp is vga check the ohter section for vga theme you need the new s2u2 2.04 and the copy the gfx files to your folder of s2u2 gfx and overwriter the old one
