

Shizzile on the WIzzel
Well I think it turned out pretty good... here is the theme for the S2U2 thingy I made to pimp you out alienstyle.. credit for the icons goes to alienware... hopefully we dont get sued or anything free advertising for them and all.... lol

to load it up

place the .tsk into your "my documents" folder on your phone
place the clocks into the htc home customizer clocks folder
place the icons into the htc home customizer icon folder

then hit settings today select PROBEX-ALIEN theme
then open your htc home customizer select the PROBEX alienware clock
and then the ALIENWARE icons.

good to go....


hey guys i just installed this and everything works mint , cept for the icons.?? says it has a problem and needs to shut down hhc ...?? If you have a chance to look into this , i would like to complete this theme ... i have the s2u and everything but icons... and yes i put it in the icons folder , it does show up in the drop down in hhc , however when i click it boots me into the need to shut down and restart ?
I have tried soft reset and still nothing ...
hey guys i just installed this and everything works mint , cept for the icons.?? says it has a problem and needs to shut down hhc ...?? If you have a chance to look into this , i would like to complete this theme ... i have the s2u and everything but icons... and yes i put it in the icons folder , it does show up in the drop down in hhc , however when i click it boots me into the need to shut down and restart ?
I have tried soft reset and still nothing ...

mmmmmmmm never heard of that happening all you are doing is going to the HHC folder and than overwriting the files that you have downloaded from the first post correct?
sorry if this sounds retarded im new to the phone costomization thing, do i need specail software to get .rar files to run on the phone (i have HHC and have downloaded your zip files before and they work fine). I downloaded the file then put it on the phone. when i tap the probex-alienware.rar file in the phone it gives me an error message saying "there is no application associated with proxeb-alien run the application first then open the file"
thank you in advance
I know this is an old topic, but it's still S W E E T!!!

I just installed it - fantastic! TF2 was too much for my mogul - this is P E R F E C T!

I'd love to have the green like the TF2 - maybe it's time to play.

Awesome job, Probex - just AWESOME!!
I know this is an old topic, but it's still S W E E T!!!

I just installed it - fantastic! TF2 was too much for my mogul - this is P E R F E C T!

I'd love to have the green like the TF2 - maybe it's time to play.

Awesome job, Probex - just AWESOME!!

Glad that you like the theme. What are rom are you running on your mogul ? I was running tf2d fine on mine when I had it !!!