[Theme] Probex needs your support


Shizzile on the WIzzel
Please tell a friend to tell a friend about Naughty's promotion with Windows Mobile to win a Touch Pro2 themed phone by PROBEX.

Go to http://www.facebook.com/windowsmobile and click "Become a Fan". We're trying to get the fan number up as much as possible before July 15th when they pick a winner for a trip to L.A. to see Naughty Live and the new Touch Pro 2 phone!

Click the contest tab on the top of that page for details and they will be adding a video of the theme today or tomorrow [they are still editing it... prolly trying to remove my name....lol]

If you have or have ever thought about using one of my themes please do this for me as this can mean big things for me I also will be including the AMJ web address in every readme file that is downloaded from microsoft once the marketplace is up and running in turn will be huge for AMJ.

Come on gang help me out tell EVERYONE you know.

"Start/End Dates: Contest begins at 9:00a.m. Pacific on July 15, 2009 and ends 10:00 p.m. Pacific on July 15, 2009."

i got you bro!!!
lol hey this looks really good!! good job bro!!!

i gotchu bro! everyone that reads this should take the time to help PROBEX not just people using his themes, hes a big part of us here at AMJ and we should do whatever we can to help him! So get on that, if you dont have a facebook; make one!! haha good luck bro
i gotchu bro! everyone that reads this should take the time to help PROBEX not just people using his themes, hes a big part of us here at AMJ and we should do whatever we can to help him! So get on that, if you dont have a facebook; make one!! haha good luck bro

wow look at me.... i always despited people with facebooks and myspaces and twitters and because of probey im gonna have facebook now and than on top of that im on twitter for my boy iceman hahahhaa....... im loving it and you know my feelings already bro... shoot for the sky and thanks for always looking out for us with the readmes and all.... you have my support 100% and always have my number if you have to get a hold of me.... got you covered on anything you ever need :) take care, stay busy, drink a beer, have fun, and shoot for the stars and you will make it far :camera:
Well Im a new FAN! Wish you the best Probex I appreciate everything you've done for the site and members and your themes are hard to compete with! I admire your skills bro and anything I can do to show my support. Thanks and good luck and hopefully this will be big for both you and us here at AMJ.
Michael Rambo McMillan at 7:22pm June 23
hahaha true man! it looked like ****ing shit

No thanks, XDA beats this junk


Someone wanna go defend me on facebook/windowsmobile this guy is flaming the video and probably not cool if I respond... but maybe someone else will disagree with this jerk.
michael rambo mcmillan at 7:22pm june 23
hahaha true man! It looked like ****ing shit

no thanks, xda beats this junk


Someone wanna go defend me on facebook/windowsmobile this guy is flaming the video and probably not cool if i respond... But maybe someone else will disagree with this jerk.

he bro what about your theme i am on it

grtz cyber weesje
Major sorry again about dissing your theme on Facebook. Kinda felt the need to defend XDA too but it really didn't need it. I personally know that XDA has very little in the themes department. Its pretty much just about ROMS over there; which I love lol. Seems like I never have a ROM long enough to ever have a theme anymore =/ I kinda wish there was some more stuff geared towards the Blackstone/ Touch HD but I am probably one of the few in the USA that owns one so I am pretty relient on XDA for support and what not. Probably the only person in Michigan with a Touch HD. I will be really excited when there is some more Manila 2.1 content here. Blah, I feel dumb because I know fighting doesn't help. I don't know why I even got involved.
