Qwest Mogul Official Rom Update 3.35.656.2


Owner - Staff
well well well about time they finally release there first update lol......

The software upgrade posted below provides several key enhancements for your Mogul:


Adds EV-DO Rev.A functionality for faster download and upload speeds when transmitting data.
2. Adds GPS functionality

Adds a Task Manager to the Today screen for easier access and management of running programs.

Improves Bluetooth performance including usage with Phone As Modem and wireless stereo headsets.

Corrects an issue where MSN Messenger content may be erased when the device power cycles.

Download HTC 6800 Mogul Update - Version 3.35.656.2
Installation Instructions


Before you proceed, please confirm that this software upgrade is a newer version than what is currently loaded on your device. If it is the same version and your device is operating normally, there is no need to reload the software. To determine what version is running on your device, refer to the image on the left (this is the newest version) and note the ROM version and Radio version. Next, go to Start > Settings > System Tab > Device Information on your device. If your ROM and Radio versions are older than what is pictured at left, you should upgrade.

Before you run the ROM Upgrade Utility (RUU), make sure you check and do the following first:


Tip: If you are having challenges connecting with ActiveSync, please try: Start > Settings > Connection Tab > USB to PC > Deselect Enable Advanced Network Functionality.‚

The standby and hibernation modes are disabled on the computer. Click here to view instructions on how to do this.

All running applications on the computer have been closed.

Ensure that you device has a battery level of at least 50% (Start > Settings > System Tab > Power > Battery Tab). If the battery "dies" during the upgrade process, there is a chance that it will not recover and will need to be sent for repairs.

The update can take up to 25 minutes so set aside time when you will not be interrupted.

All data will be deleted from the device during the upgrade (music, pictures, 3rd party applications, etc); be sure to back up all of your data using ActiveSync prior to upgrading. Click here to view detailed instructions on backing up your data using ActiveSync.

Do not interrupt the upgrade process or press any buttons until the process has been completed (the device will reset itself when the update is done).

General Procedure on Installing the ROM Update


Back up your personal data from the Mobile Device to your computer using ActiveSync if you want to ensure you don't lose any of your data.

On your computer, run the ROM Update Utility (RUU) to install the ROM update to your Mobile Device. (The next section provides a detailed procedure on how to install the ROM Update).

Restore your personal data back to your Mobile Device using ActiveSync.

If you follow all the instuctions how safe is this to do? Also if i do mess up can i send it in for repair?

Ok i sucked it up and did so far so good. thanks
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