rank the top five roms for tp2


whats the top 5 current roms out for tp2. since most of them dont seem to come with a thumbnail i cant view what they look like
Re rank the top five roms for tp2

whats the top 5 current roms out for tp2. since most of them dont seem to come with a thumbnail i cant view what they look like

Actually most ROMs have pictures of what they look like. Check out the ROM section!
Re rank the top five roms for tp2

1. Mighty Mike
2. Juicy R5
3. Energy Phonton

I have to say that after flashing to these 3 Mighty Mikes has been the best rom for the TP2 , I only have a top 3 dont flash to others but the ones you see bro
Mighty Rom
Juicy r4 because I haven't been able to download r5

I guess everyone is downloading the same ones I am. By the way Dash put up vids on youtube of all the best roms over at ppcgeeks. Just type in Mighty rom touch pro 2 and you can get a link to all of his other vids.
1. JD's tp2 rom is the best i've tried so far... is fast and smooth! it works great for sprint users.
2. Energy photon rom works great, he is one of my favorite chefs..
2 1/2. Energy leo rom, what can i say..... is sweet!
3. mighty's rom is very solid.
4. juicy tp2 series is very good also.

it really comes down to your own taste, just go and flash away! give each one a try and decide which one YOU like.....
Re Re rank the top five roms for tp2

1. Mighty Mike
2. Juicy R5
3. Energy Phonton

I have to say that after flashing to these 3 Mighty Mikes has been the best rom for the TP2 , I only have a top 3 dont flash to others but the ones you see bro

+1 to that and maybe add Merdin's rom (good eye candy and apps) at number 4. Didn't care for any of the others that much.