Real Dice Game

dude, I just did this whole thing in 2.5 minutes and am playing suggestion would be to uninstall the whole game then go and reinstall it with your owner info already in there, then run it for the first time with your owner invformation will always ask you your first time if you want to play the trial or if you wnat to register..try that.
so when I install it it will say that....or when I actually load up the game? And remember I am already regstrd can I still use that same username or do I have to regstr with new username etc

Since you did it in 2.5 mins can you give me step by step directions? I would really appreciate that....It will help me sop much thanks
OK here ...

1. install exe on computer
2. on device it will ask you where to install it...choose wherever you want...
3. after installing that part it will take you through a wizard...follow the wizard make sure to install all of the components to the same part (i.e. storage card or device)
4. After the wizard has been completed, confirm that in start > settings > owner information it is set to Black Neuromancer and everything else if phony except your email.
5. After confirming these go to start > programs > games > Real Dice MC Poker
6. When RDMCP loads up it will ask you if you wnt to register or run trial...choose register
7. Enter the code provided in readme
8. Press OK
so I reinstalled it and it sitll never asked me if I wanted to registr.....It just went straight tho the main menu where it says single player internet game stratgy guide help more games and now what
give up bro if you cant get something like this with step by step like we gave you multiple times you should just forget about it. im sorry to say it but come on theres nothing else we can say the rest is going to be on you... im sorry me, VenumX, and tigerz all installed this with no problem in just over minutes and told you exactly what we did and gave you step by step... so the rest is on your shoulders to figure it out just read through the posts and figure it out we cant help you anymore and no one else anywhere will be able to.