[HTC-HERO] [ROM] 08/11 11 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveSecure


SPJ Trend Setter ADMIN
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I'm pleased to present my MoDaCo Custom Hero ROM for the CDMA Hero!

No wipe is required for this ROM.

MCR now optionally includes Wavesecure in ROM, allowing you to lock / locate / wipe your device remotely in the event of loss and be notified if the SIM is changed. The application cannot be uninstalled by a thief and we are actively working with Wavesecure to ensure that in a forthcoming release, your settings will survive a hard reset!

This ROM is based on the original shipping ROM release series (together with my own optimisations) for the best possible performance! The ROM is packaged as a core version with optional add on packs.

Included in the 'core'

- Rooted with 'adb remount' permission and superuser APK
- A2SD included (fully automatic - thanks cyanogen!) - create a EXT2 partition as your second partition to use. dalvik-cache remains on device.
- Added Jbed Java
- Added Droelboriyorkerear SSH running by default, check 'About' screen for password (port 2222). You can now remove this by running /system/bin/removedroelboriyorkerear.sh
- Added Notes app from Dragon
- Added Spare Parts (run it and switch the 2 animation types to 'fast' for an even better experience!)
- Added android-wifi-tether 1.60 pre3 (props to the developer, this is a great app!)
- Added WiFi Status indicator, with kind permission of Andrew Schwimmer
- Added busybox 1.15.2 - tweaked such that 'get information' in Swapper now works as desired
- Added nano 2.09 - text editor for use in shell mode
- Added parted and sqlite tools
- Added terminfo and settings to boot.img to allow nano etc. use
- Added files required for Debian linux including loxley's updated bootdeb script
- Moved Quickoffice to data partition to allow easy uninstall
- Moved Google Maps and Google Voice Search to data partition to allow easy update
- Deleted 'Learn More' application
- Silenced boot sound (it's still there and can be reactivated with a file edit)
- You can now check your MoDaCo Custom ROM (MCR) version from the about menu

Included in main 'enhanced' add on pack

- Added Business Card Scanner
- Added 'Plurk' client
- Added WAP browser

Other optional add on packs (apply as normal update zips)

- 'WaveSecure' add on pack (puts Wavesecure in ROM - it is no longer in core)
- 'Boot Sounds' add on pack (restores boot sounds)
- 'Hebrew Fonts' add on pack (installs hebrew fonts)

Recommended applications (available from the market)

- More Locale for setting non english Locales




Please note that first boot may take a little while, especially if you have a lot of apps on your A2SD partition. Be patient! If you want a real clean start or you have issues with your existing A2SD installed apps when you boot, you need to wipe your EXT2 partition on SD too by executing 'adb shell rm -r /system/sd/app', 'adb shell rm -r /system/sd/app-private' and 'adb shell reboot'

The ROM is in an update.zip format for installation via the custom recovery image.

For the complete newbies, these are the steps you need to take with a 'virgin' Hero:

- Download and install (via rooting) the patched recovery image (step by step guide to follow)
- Download this custom ROM, and copy it to your SD card
- Enter the recovery image (if you're not in it already) by powering on while pressing 'home'
- Select 'nandroid backup' from the menu to do a backup
- If you copied the custom rom as update.zip, select 'apply sdcard:update.zip', else select the option below.
- all done

Feedback / feature requests welcome!

Finally, if you like the MoDaCo Custom ROMs, consider supporting MoDaCo by visiting the subscriptions page and upgrading your account or making a donation via PayPal by clicking this link.

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Re [TESTING] 08/11 10 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveSecu

No Screen shots for this bummer !!!
Re Re Re [TESTING] 08/11 10 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring Wa

uhh it doesnt look that different but ill take some, ive been running it for like 5 hours now...im actually on 1.0 but 1.1 is the same as 1.0 with a minor filesystem change...so i just manually changed it...

I've been pretty busy as of late, so haven't had the time to flash, but wanted to know what your thoughts were compared to Stock. Is it worth making the jump??? The apps2sd is huge, so that alone is why I'll most likely make the jump :) Thanks V.
Re: Re Re Re [TESTING] 08/11 10 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring

I've been pretty busy as of late, so haven't had the time to flash, but wanted to know what your thoughts were compared to Stock. Is it worth making the jump??? The apps2sd is huge, so that alone is why I'll most likely make the jump :) Thanks V.

rooting is worth doing so you can install all the apps and games to your card and not the device bogging it down
Re Re Re Re [TESTING] 08/11 10 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring

rooting is worth doing so you can install all the apps and games to your card and not the device bogging it down

For sure, Rooting has been done :) I'm just debating th Flash with time permitting. Modaco's Rom seems to be the only way to get app2sd and WiFi tether working, so that's why I'm leaning more towards. I was curious, because I know V had this done like 5 days ago and wanted some feedback, thanks all.